Thursday, October 03, 2024

Put me in the skeptic column

So, some guy has put up a video about his a-mazing discovery that looking at a laser the right way while high on DMT (the hallucinogen with a reputation for causing "machine elves" or other alien-ish entities to turn up as part of the trip) causes people to be able to see the code behind our reality.  Yes, like the Matrix movie:



I would be a bit less skeptical if he wasn't running a GoFundMe page to finish the documentary he says he's making about it.

I also don't know if there is any particular reason why a drug that is known for producing one particular trip fairly often (the visiting machine elves ones) should not also have a quirk of making people see numbers when the illumination is right.   I mean, that it should produce a numbers illusion is perhaps less odd than it making it feel like intelligent beings are coming to commune with you.  I think.

Anyway, let's see where this goes.  Hopefully, not just a case of money into this guy's pocket with nothing further.


TimT said...

So... the all knowing engineers of the Matrix, whatever boggley-eyed monsters they are, somehow happen to use numbers exactly the same as those used by people today. Yeah. Sounds legit.

TimT said...

The video is admittedly worth a mild chuckle for how many times the tripping characters breathe 'whoah!' at one another.

John said...

Some people are too stupid to do drugs and sadly there are even stupider people who listen to them. I've had great fun with a number of hallucinogens and whenever anyone goes mystical I advised, "it is just the drugs." BTW if you want ego dissolution forget about meditating for several years, the right dose of ketamine will do the trick. Ego dissolution is BS, transient cerebral stuff up probably by the region that locates us in space and time(precuneus is part of that). Funny how people talk about ego dissolution in the first person.