Friday, February 28, 2025

The state of US politics


Anonymous said...

The fact is that hundreds of billions of dollars need to be cut from spending or tens of millions will die.

You guys don’t think your public sector jobs are harmless do you? Keynes kills. You guys are so far from reality. It’s the same here. We can keep the cheap REAL that’s no problem.

It’s the expensive public service salaries that weigh on anyone who does real work.

Anonymous said...

Cheap REAL welfare. It’s never been an issue in fact it frees up labour markets.

John said...

Any public service needs the occasional slash and burn impact. The effect on the deficit though is nowhere near large enough. To have a real impact social security, welfare, and medicaid must also be subject to slash and burn. They have started doing that. For example, they have already sacked staff from the Veterans Crisis Line.

Anonymous said...

Nowhere near large enough so don’t do it? That’s a kind of insanity that should send you to some kind of cold therapy or some other cure you can impose on yourself.

Yes of course you can cut spending enough. We have an embarrassment of riches to work with. The American have 420 agencies and thousands of Quangos when they need 20 departments max. 800’mitary bases when again they need 20.

And each dollar taxed if it’s not carefully sourced causes another 2 dollars in value destruction. Which would not be the case if you ran a pretty tight ship.

Added to that you have the massive subsidy to fraudulent medicine and to the financial system. Then if that isn’t enough you could launch the doge process on the states and release a tonne of resources there also.

You can’t seriously be suggesting that the Feds don’t take in enough tax? And no there is no need to cut unemployment or social security. Not when you have this mountain of parasitism to draw from.

Anonymous said...

Slashing staff from the veterans crisis line isn’t slashing welfare. These are high paid salaries. They then go on the welfare if they qualify. And bingo you have swapped expensive welfare for cheap welfare. In a trice they will be getting casual work and you will pull money from beer tax, fuel excise and you will be breaking even on these guys. Pretty soon you will be leeching off them,

You got 100 billion that’s not 100 billion off the deficit. That’s more like 300 billion. It’s not as hard as you think it’s just a moral question.

Anonymous said...

It’s a moral question and forming the resolution that from here on in you won’t be insane. You won’t be thinking that a high salary doing bullshit public sector work isn’t hurting the rest of us because it is.

John said...

"Nowhere near large enough so don’t do it? That’s a kind of insanity that should send you to some kind of cold therapy or some other cure you can impose on yourself."

You can't even comprehend simple English. I wrote nothing abouit tax. I wrote all public services need a slash and burn and there are plenty of areas to save money. Just how stupid are you? Or are you off your meds? FFS can't read simple English. You poor bxxstard. Yes Graeme, insulting people is child's play. Grow up.

Whatever you think they need to cut is irrelevant. They are already cutting welfare and Medicaid. Biden was going after Big Pharma but nothing yet to indicate Trump will. Big money is his friend. They are intending to spend more on the military. Politicians are ideologically and vote driven not logically driven. This is how insane it has become. The NGADs cost ~300 million each, so expensive the USAF won't bother. All those missiles they fire costs millions each. They should shut down most of the military bases and sack millions in the military but again not a vote winner.

Anonymous said...

They should be cutting Medicaid since it’s a subsidy to the drug companies. What welfare are they cutting? I won’t doubt you on that but your example was them cutting high salaried jobs for some kind of call centre so I am interested to know what you mean by that.

Anonymous said...

Trump is talking about cutting defence spending in half if he can get the three way deal between Russia, China and the US right. Doge will surely go after defence in bits and pieces. Going after Medicaid takes away some big pharma subsidies. It’s only been a few weeks after all.

Anonymous said...

I asked AI to list government departments and it said there were 1334 government entities for the Australian Feds. You could get rid of 1250 of these and not even kill anyone doing it. Welfare doesn’t matter so long as it’s straight transfer payments. It’s not a drama so long as you get rid of most of the public sector jobs.

I asked AI for the number of entities for the US Feds and it’s too much for the AI but it talks about 73000 to 80000 entities. I think this includes state government entities. There is so much to cut and you never need to get rid of even one nurse, teacher, nurses aide, cop, fireman or anyone with a real job.

John said...

The Vets Crisis Line is a call centre, not a high paying job. The deficit last year was 1.5 trillion dollars, that requires some huge cuts everywhere. Whatever you or I think is not in accord with what the GOP has long thought. The drug companies make most of their money through insured individuals. You are correct, there are huge rip offs occurring in US medicine. Medical costs are a leading cause of bankruptcy.

Keep in mind that he just passed 4 trillion in tax cuts. That's a huge amount to recover from just the public service. The USA is paradoxical. Full employment with severe labour shortages over the last 2 years yet still the deficit blow out.

There is no hope of a deal to cut military spending in line with Russia and China. Substantial savings should be possible but in the context of a rapidly arming China the USA will need to be very careful.

China is building nuke subs at nearly twice the rate of the USA, a crash program for building 2 5th generation fighter models, just flown a 6th gen prototype, and Russia will need years to recoup hardware losses from the Ukraine war. Defense spending is obscene, an indictment on humanity, but with China arming up so quickly I can't see the USA saving too much on defense. For example, an F16 costs US$30,000 per hour, a F35 $45,000 per hour. Trump is proposing a 50 billion cut for 2026. Good start but low hanging fruit, what happens in the following years with China arming up?

Anonymous said...

Yeah the drug companies and insurance guys are all setting their beaks leeching off the public. And the supply is of products that are poisonous, fraudulent and do not work. Any welfare that isn’t direct payments is expensive welfare. But social security is cheap welfare. Since it requires very little overhead.

Anonymous said...

WETTING their beaks. So the vets call centre has to go since that’s overhead, not a direct payment, therefore expensive welfare. If it’s a cheap call centre with Indians it can do no good so it’s got to go. If it’s a call centre with high paid staff it’s got to go.

Anonymous said...

You think China and Russia like this spending? Of course there is hope. You may not get everything you want but that’s just life.

They have to cut spending in the course of industry reform anyway. More spending doesn’t equate to better defence when your suppliers are useless parasites. The current system is so useless it’s fair to call it a money laundering operation. So Trump has to cut no matter what, so he may as well build it up to a negotiating ploy.

Both Russia and China are undergoing demographic collapse so of course they will want some relief. Many kids face the trouble of looking after 4 grandparents. That’s what demographic collapse does to you. They aren’t run by insane people like the US has been but their situation isn’t that great and so some accommodation is possible.

Anonymous said...

Four trillion in cuts doesn’t mean four trillion less revenues. If done wisely the cuts are mostly made up in the remaining taxes. And one hundred billion spending cuts doesn’t mean reducing the deficit by 100 billion. If it’s bullshit jobs that hurt everyone you can get a big bounce back.

If they can reduce fractional reserve overhead like Prime Minister Fisher and President Jackson both did they could be awash in riches. The potential resources are simply unbelievable if you reject junk economics.

Anonymous said...

“Full employment with severe labour shortages over the last 2 years yet still the deficit blow out.” That’s not paradoxical. That’s the Jew coup government rigging the labour market figures and stealing everything they can while flooding the country with illegals.

John said...

The leadership only cares about the public to the extent it risks their leadership. Niether Putin or Xi have anything to fear in that regard. China has just announced increased defense spending to 7.2%. I don't blame when only a few days ago after the China retalitory tariffs were announced Hegeseth stated the USA was prpared to go to war with China. That brinkmanship is stupid and dangerous.

Many nations are undergoing a demographic crisis.

John said...

I don't assume that Trump and Co are working to a plan. The use of tariffs is a very blunt instrument and for the second time the tariffs on Mexico and Canada have been suspended for a month. That probably happened because the markets have taken some hits and as I prevously stated the problem for the USA is that the tariffs it imposes affects one nation but if many nations impose retalitory tariffs the USA has a much bigger problem.

There are many people who think Trump is a very stable genius. I think he is a very good manipulator of public opinion but I have seen him say so many stupid things that I don't think he is exceptionally intelligent. For example in a recent interview he keep referring to raw earths. Doh!

Anonymous said...

Well the main thing is spending cuts so that’s something. But if your country is due to collapse in 2033 and you make only a few cuts, or even a lot of cuts you could still keep falling and be out the door in 2034. So knowing what to do doesn’t imply success and happy ever after. The idea is not to allow any Keynesianism or debt in the first place.

Once you have too much public or private debt the people in favour of currency debasement start winning the argument. Really all Republics are failures. They almost never pay off their debts. Andrew Jackson yes. Costello almost paid off the debt. But you will struggle to find other examples. Had the Democrats successfully pulled off a second coup that would be the end of the US. But it may be the end of the US anyway.

Anonymous said...

Xi and Putin are still under pressure like anyone else. Putin just has a smarter electorate. Jewish power is still strong in Russia. But it’s not like a total Jew takeover like the early Soviet Union, the Yeltsin period or the Biden period. So the level of insanity is not there. If Putin keeps performing the Russians will keep voting for him.

John said...

Graeme govt debt is obviously a serious problem and it is common in the OECD. This comes back to my too severe dismissal of economics. In the world today I don't see how economic theories can help governments because so much money is now tied up with financial institutions. Many years ago Kohler asserted 25% of the Australian stock market was the financial sector. Private money is a possible solution but governments always resist that. Politicians are too scared of finance and commerce, working for them rather than citizens. We either address this wealth distribution issue or private and public debt will continue to grow leading to ruination.

Anonymous said...

Well you just got to reform all that with the understanding that this brings you up against Gangsters. Andrew Fisher is the only monetary reformer who didn’t get an assassination attempt. Harold Holt was never seen again and American naval exercises nearby.

We are really just a Republic. If we weren’t a Republic our one true King would have ended the war and our cooperation with genocidal Israelites in keeping with their international obligations.

You have to unscramble from your mind what we should do from what we will do from what is within the Overton window. Always the idea is to meet Henry George part way, phase out fractional reserve, reduce government spending, slowly build infrastructure momentum …….. and so forth.

Anonymous said...

Infrastructure is THE SHIT as the kids say. But it can’t be built quickly or in debt. And we have to look at building infrastructure very differently than we do today. We cannot have this idea where politicians go to Macquarie bank and say YOU HANDLE IT and shower them with gold. It doesn’t matter if it takes 15 years to get slow zero debt momentum …… or 50 years. It must be done right.

John said...

Infrastructure building is a disaster. There is an M1 overpass nearby that after 5 years they still haven't finished. Meanwhile, in China, they have automated road building with no human in sight. Graeme I take your point there because at present the government is being ripped off big time and no-one addresses that. Instead governments proudly announce more infrastructure spending under the same financial arrangements with the same coporations. It's obscene and I am astonished that no-one is calling this out.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to infrastructure spending these guys don’t know if they are Cliff Richard’s or Judas Priest. Free enterprise ra ra ra and all that. But infrastructure, by its nature, is supposed to be communist. It doesn’t need to be communist at every level but it should be communist at the top and not accept banker or much lawyer overhead and it ought to be an investment in labour market skills not market concentration. Momentum in a system of a government department supervising small and medium subcontractors will take many many years to get going. But ultimately copying De Witt Clinton is what will get us the best infrastructure cost effectively.

John said...

“Entitlement spending - which is most of the federal spending, is entitlements,” Mr Musk said.

“So that is the big one to eliminate. That’s the sort of half-trillion, maybe $600 to $700 billion a year.”

Anonymous said...

You don’t start with that. Doesn’t matter what Musk says. You start with government departments, government jobs, and the spending associated with those departments and those jobs. And you get with of any payments that end up in pharmaceuticals and any subsidies to finance.

Musk says a lot of stuff.

Anonymous said...

Here is Sabine who Steve is always posting. Showing just how many jobs in science have to be destroyed in order for all this junk science to be overturned.

Easily her best video. She got a deep state letter of sorts.

Anonymous said...

John seriously I work minimum wage now. I have no issue with 50 dollars coming from my beer tax or income tax to support ageing widows. From my part, even as improverished former libertarian that money goes to them with a glowing happy heart.

Transfer payments are not the issue MORALLY. Even if the guys bunk it on a lonely beach and go surfing every day that’s an issue but not a big issue. The issue is big salary public sector, spook and social engineering finance, finance as such, and drug subsidies.

Get rid of all those and if I migrate to a hostel on the coast to get healthy swimming in the ocean you would barely feel any burden