Sunday, March 09, 2025

Wet and windy

I'm not telling anyone who lives in Brisbane anything new - but this Cyclone Alfred weather event turned out to be very odd.

Late on Friday night, when it was still a small category 1 cyclone crossing Moreton Bay, it got a bit windy and showery for a couple of hours (after the Western sun had been out at about 6 pm when I was walking the dog.)   I thought it might continue being windy all night, but it died down, and it didn't even rain that much.  It was worse on the Gold Coast, but in Brisbane it felt very anti-climatic, as I always suspected it might.

Then Saturday was very grey and showery, not all shops opened and the city was still pretty much shut down.  Unexpectedly for everyone, in the early evening, it became far windier (and I think wetter) than the night before.  It really felt like what a close cyclone should feel like, and the wind was strong for hours.

Followed by today - I'm not sure if it was showering when I woke up, but it was certainly raining by 8am, quite hard, and it has not stopped all day.   Intensity has varied a little bit, but flash flooding is happening everywhere, and with many trees down last night, the city was more or less at a standstill again.  (I mean, shops re-opened, but I am sure no one was travelling further than they really needed to, as it was obvious that certain streets would be flooding, and trees on footpaths might in some cases be in a precarious state.)

So on social media the "it was a fizzer" cynicism has been replaced by other people going "ha ha".

And poor Harvey Bay, on the northern edge of the influence of the system, had a storm that brought a record amount of intense rain in a short number of hours, leading to 400 emergency calls for flash flooding (I just heard that number on the radio.)  My brother, on the Sunshine Coast between Hervey Bay and Brisbane, seems to have been relatively unaffected. 

It's supposed to stop raining sometime overnight, but at the moment, it slows down for a while, then picks up again.    I think we can all agree we've had enough, please move on...


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