Why should he care that there's an art exhibition of paintings by an executed heroin trafficker? The guy's dead; he sounded (unlike Blair) to have become morally serious before he died. As for his mother:
Seems a bizarrely inappropriate thing for art critic Blair to be paying any heed to.The mother of executed Bali Nine drug smuggler Myuran Sukumaran wants her son's artwork to travel the world as a powerful anti-death penalty message.Speaking to 7.30 for the first time since Sukumaran's death in Indonesia in 2015, Raji Sukumaran said her once staunch-faith in God had been shaken by the execution of her son.
She recalled trying to enjoy her time with him as she watched him painting in prison, first in Bali then on the execution island of Nusakambangan.
Or was it just to bring in another (I'm sure he would have referenced this before) snide attack on a Labor politician for being married to a reformed heroin offender? Well, given its Tanya Plibersek's face plastered on the post, with the "hilarious" (sarc) title "An Injection of Culture", yes, that seems to be what this post is about.
What it the Tim Blair take on this? Once a heroin dealer/user, you deserve to either be shot or never employed ever again? Is that the Right line to take on the matter of redemption, or rehabilitation? That it's impossible? And that a woman who marries one, well after his rehabilitation, and goes on to have a family with him, is to be derided for that? Derided for what, for God's sake?
I actually see that he's getting some blowback in comments. And so he should. He should take the post down, the creep.
Update: Just how thoroughly the Plibersek story has been told before is well illustrated in this article from 2015, when she made (I had forgotten) a speech in Parliament decrying the execution of Sukumaran.
That Plibersek, given her life story, should make such a speech is entirely understandable.
That she should still be supporting the cause of the anti-death penalty is entirely understandable.
That Blair should be continuing to deride a drugs rehabilitation success story and his wife is completely absurd, offensive and stupid.