Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Just resign

Buswell made 'sexual noises': woman | The Australian

So, today we get all the detail of the "chair sniffing" incident. While I have no doubt there are other politicians who are just as crass and immature, a leader can't maintain credibility with a highly publicised incident like this. He should just do everyone a favour and resign. Have another cry and get it over with, Troy; there's probably a place waiting for you on Melbourne's Footy Show anyway.

And at the national level, I would be close to recommending the same to Brendan Nelson. Let's face it:

a. he was voted in by a narrow margin when a couple of eligible voters were absent;
b. his "listening tour" was ill-conceived and is most memorable for the repeated image of him playing with kids on a monkey bar;
c. most journalists rightly view his habit of having a heart breaking anecdote ready for every occasion as being just a tad bizarre and unconvincing. Glenn Milne says today "Nelson, bless his sincerity, is like a piece of emotional blotting paper."

At 9% preferred PM he has no credibility to be leader.

The most surprising thing to me about today's Newpoll was the 4% swing toward the Coalition, which I can only put down to the electorate being more cynical about the 2020 Summit than most media journalists expected (Yay!)

Surely Nelson himself is helping shave a few points off the Coalition's popularity. If so, it may be that the Coalitions "true" primary vote is currently very close to 40%, which seems to me to be not too bad at this stage of the electoral cycle.

So, is there any point to Brendan hanging on any longer? I can't really see it.

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