Monday, July 07, 2014

Scathing Quiggin

John Quiggin � With Reformicons like this, no wonder the Reactobots always win

 JQ is amusingly scathing about the attempts of the tiny number of conservatives who are at least making some attempt at getting some intellectual credibility back into the Republicans in the US.

His comments on the IPA,CIS and Quadrant in Australia seem about right to me, too.  (Although, as someone in comments notes, about the only issue the right wing "think tanks" in Australia are more open about than their equivalent in the US is their attitude to homosexuality.)

Speaking of right wingers who keep getting their heads on the ABC, did I hear a snippet of Judith Sloan on Radio National this morning (in an advertisement for a forthcoming show on the issue of the size of government) suggest we could be more like South Korea, which is successful with (apparently) a very small government sector?

I know little about the country, except that I thought its system there was famous for its crony capitalism which presumably horrifies Judith.   I should try to listen to that show, since I presume someone with a less incredibly facile take on economics than hers will be on it...

1 comment:

John said...

Thanks for the link Steve. I disagree with you though, Quiggin was stating the truth, not being scathing.

The Right today is rapidly becoming like spoilt children who don't like the world. When the Right is populated by Kate's pathological hatred of Obama, or Davidson's claims re "outsuffering" or that water boarding is not torture, obviously they are seriously deluded.

BTW, big drops in violence with lock out hours introduced. What rationalisations will the libertarians come up with to explain that.