Monday, January 21, 2019

About Gillette

A few comments, if I may:

*  I don't think the ad, or promo, or whatever it is, is actually well made.   No problem with the concept, just I think it doesn't do a great job in execution.

*  Of course, the wingnutty reaction against it is completely over the top.

*  Amusingly, when in the supermarket with my son to buy shaving products on Saturday, he said he would not buy Gillette so as to stand in solidarity with his 4Chan friends.  He was joking.

*  I did buy Gillette foaming gel shaving cream.  I haven't used this product for years, but I still find it cool how it works, and it lasts for ages compared to your old style shaving foam.   It was going for half price (no connection with wingnuttery, I'm sure.)

*  I maintain that the best value, multiblade razor is the Coles or Woolworths home brand 5 blade razor.   (I think both are from the same, US manufacturer or assembler, but the blades made in Mexico, of all places.)   Replacement cartridges are $1.50 each, compared to the ridiculous $4 - $6 you can pay for Gillette or Schick. 


John said...

The world as it is today is replete with people constantly and anxiously examining the environment hoping to find something to be outraged about. Mostly a behavior seen on the Left, this time on the Right.

Steve said...

Yes, that's correct.

The Left then countered with the Native American being disrespected. I couldn't really tell what was going on in the video. Catholic School kids wearing Trump supporting caps on anything resembling a Catholic School outing should be shot, though. Metaphorically.

Anonymous said...

Advocating school shootings Steve?

Anonymous said...

you dick, stevie.

not trampis said...

someone does't understand the word metaphorically

Steve said...

And here I was being nice and enquiring of your health, homer!

Would "metaphorically speaking" have been OK?

Mayan said...

Real men either grow a beard or use a straight razor :P

Nor do they chuck a tantrum over an advert that promotes respectful behaviour.

not trampis said...

Not you Steve