Monday, January 21, 2019

Wot I've been watching

 Venom - the adult-ish Marvel entry from last year.   I watched it with my son via Google Play on the weekend.

You might think my sensitivities to media violence would make me worry about a movie in which a few people have their heads bitten off.   But it is done in a completely blood free and far from graphic way to bad people (I think - I can't remember who exactly all the victims were now).   And while my son commented at about the 30 minute mark that it was a bit boring, it all turns around at about 40 minutes and becomes a pretty amusing and fun movie for the remainder.   The humour comes from the alien "parasite" being able to talk in the head of the hero, and take control of his body without his consent.   Loss of bodily control to another entity can often make for good fun, and it does so here.

I'm not at all sure why it got so many poor reviews - 29% on Rottentomatoes and 35% on Metacritic.  It was, in my opinion, a much more entertaining movie than Black Panther - the most wildly overrated superhero movie I have ever seen. 

The Alienist - just started watching this on Netflix.   Based on a book I have never heard of, it's one of those mixes of real and fictional characters, with a bit of a New York version of Watson & Holmes vibe, except I don't think John Watson was heavily into prostitution and drinking like this guy.  

The best thing about it is how fantastic it looks - I presume a lot of it is the utterly convincing use of CGI to re-create 1896 New York - but (very much like Babylon Berlin) it seems to have hundreds of extras and looks like squillions was spent on art direction and sets.  It is a real pleasure to watch just for the visuals.

The acting and dialogue is a little theatrical at times;  but people really did talk different then and I think it's just a matter of getting used to it.  

The show really reminds me (and my son) of Babylon Berlin in many thematic ways- a seedy and somewhat surprising sexual and corrupt underworld beneath the glamour of a city that combines riches and stark poverty is a key feature of both - and so if you did enjoy the former, this series is likely to please as well.

I am really enjoying it so far (watched two episodes).

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