Thursday, May 09, 2019

Shorten did fine

If anything, I wish he had been more sarcastic and ridiculing of Morrison's laughable line that the Coalition accepted climate change and the need to take action on it.  He should have mentioned Morrison's lump of coal in Parliament, although I suppose that would have led to questions about Adani that Shorten would prefer not raised.

Overall, though, people who hated Shorten before the debate will still hate him;  people like me who think Morrison is an inch deep failed advertising executive who has accidentally found himself as Prime Minister will still view him the same.

Shorten's summary of the Coalition was spot on, though:  they want you to believe that everything is fine, when most suspect we are just skating on thin ice with the global economy changing in ways no one completely understands, and the feeling of an ever present risk of another financial meltdown of some sort or another.    I like that Labor has made itself a "big target" in terms of tax reform and climate change - that's how politics should work.


not trampis said...

There are rarely any knockouts in these debates. They end up draws in reality and people pass over them.
I think the terror attack will have more impact

not trampis said...

I should add I'm surprised the ALP never called out the government as their policy does not have the costings they are demanding of the ALP

Steve said...

I think Shorten has got the "vibe" right, though. There is a sense in the air that people who think climate change is important now see that the economic debate as to how to address it is a mere delay tactic that can no longer be indulged in.

not trampis said...

agree on that. Fussing about numbers merely has people going to sleep.

People want action ,When do they want it? now.
Sorry could not help that