Thursday, May 09, 2019

Time for out and proud atheists

This one's sure to appeal to Jason. 

Lots of good points made in Max Boot's Washington Post column about America's weirdly distrustful attitude towards atheist politicians, when disbelief (or agnosticism, at least) is actually rapidly climbing in the nation, and much of American religiosity has permanently tainted itself by supporting Trump:

It’s time for us to have an unapologetic atheist in the Oval Office

Boot indicates that even Democrat Presidential candidate Andrew Yang is not an atheist.   And he's right:  Wikipedia says he attends a small Protestant denomination:
Yang attends the Reformed Church of New Paltz with his family and has identified Mark E. Mast as their pastor.[40][41]
Update:  well, I feel it a bit embarrassing to admit I didn't know this about Winston Churchill (I have never read a biography of him), but Boot points out he was a disbeliever with only the most nominal attachment to the Anglican Church.   A detailed article about his (lack of) religious belief can be found here.   


not trampis said...


This was well known about about him and his mate and far better politician and PM Lloyd George

Steve said...

No need to rub it in Homer. Churchill is one of those figures in history about whom there has been so much written, it has kind of put me off reading much about him because it feels like you could drown in the details.

GMB said...

The Jerome family were thought to be Jews. In his major work on the English speaking peoples he at least affects to be Christian. I'd be interested to read on what more your link reveals. He was a bad leader who lead his country into one catastrophe after another and he destroyed the Empire. The Empire was never acceptable but still it was not okay to destroy it in such a short time period. The Empire was no good negative but there were many decades when it was probably a net positive.