Monday, July 29, 2019

Singapore and fake news

I just read a good article about Singapore trying to deal with the problem of fake news via legislation and its usual "soft authoritarian" style whereby politicians can order the correction or removal of fake news.

I have great sympathy to the goal, if not the exact means of execution.  


Jason Soon said...

the new malaysian govt was elected on platform which included repealing fake news laws as they were pretext for more censorship. so spore is going backwards

Steve said...

I trust Singapore more than Malaysia, of course.

While capable of misuse, I am curious to watch the ways in which Singapore uses it. (I am guessing that if I were a critic of the government, I might prefer an order to remove or mark a post as "fake news" rather than be bankrupted by defamation, though.)

GMB said...

No government worries about fake news. No professional liars worry about fake news. No oligarchy worries about fake news. They worry about true news which they are calling fake.