Monday, July 29, 2019

Woman with stupid idea has daughter with dubious ideas

NPR reports on the woman who allegedly invented or popularised the very stupid idea of gender reveal parties now saying that she regrets it.  In part, due to have a very "woke" daughter:
"Plot twist! The baby from the original gender reveal party is a girl who wears suits," Karvunidis says. "She says 'she' and 'her' and all of that, but you know she really goes outside gender norms."

The post went viral. Karvunidis says her views on sex and gender have changed, especially when she's talking to her daughter.

"She's telling me 'Mom, there are many genders. Mom, there's many different sexualities and all different types,' and I take her lead on that," Karvunidis says.

She says she does have some regrets and understands these parties aren't beneficial to everyone.
The daughter is about 10 or 11, given that Karvunidis' gender reveal party for her was in 2008.

1 comment:

GMB said...

Monty Python anticipated a lot of this in that scene from The Life Of Brian. This isn't some organic trend. This is the oligarchy practicing child abuse. But its okay because its only gentiles that they are screwing with.