Saturday, August 24, 2019

The beginning of the end?

Allahpundit's take on Trump's "hereby order" tweets (and continuing trade war, as well as his attacks on his own appiontees) seems pretty accurate to me.  For example:
Like a Twitter pal said, imagine throwing a fit because Denmark refused to sell Greenland to you and touting the fact that an ally said Israelis love you like you’re the second coming and having those things *not* be your most alarming statements of the week....

He’s never going to accept that the Fed is independent from partisan politics by design, but he could at least restrain his scapegoating of Powell by not comparing him unfavorably to communist China’s supremo, a guy who operates actual concentration camps. Trump’s willingness to speak warmly about the world’s worst bad guys while excoriating domestic politicians in the most acidic ways has lost most of its power to shock after his bromances with Putin and Kim Jong Un, but not all of it.

But wait. He was saving the Big Crazy for his response to China’s new retaliatory tariffs on American imports

“Our great American companies are hereby ordered.” Every day brings new material for a game of “What if Obama said it?” but purporting to order U.S. companies not to do business with China is championship-round stuff. I wonder which White House advisor got stuck explaining to him that he doesn’t actually have the power to do that. Just like I wonder when we’re going to start hearing about sanctions on China, which would be like dropping an atomic bomb on the economy....

This past week is going to get its own chapter in all of the self-serving post-Trump “I never really liked him” memoirs written by his cronies eager to rehabilitate their image once he’s gone. 
Look, the Trump cultists are never going to abandon him - you can see that on Twitter and comments rubbishing Allahpundit's take - but there is surely a substantial number of GOP congress people who can be pushed past their support of convenience for him into actually starting to talk about a replacement less obviously profoundly ignorant and flighty (I'm being very restrained with my descriptions) with someone like Pence, perhaps?


GMB said...

Trump is pretty right here. He's an even bigger toady of Israel than his predecessors. For some reason being Israels pet poodle isn't a scandal like going for better relations with Russia appears to be. And here we see the real psychological operation driving that tiresome Russian business.

John said...

His polling numbers are slipping badly and he is becoming desperate. Even Fox News are slowly turning against him.

GMB said...

The Americans have been faking their figures for a long time. A look at real figures shows that the American economy has been in recession pretty much since 9/11. Since the George Bush deficit spending. Trump harassing CEO's hasn't worked in any overall sense. Probably this moral suasion has caused some job creation in some areas. But in the end you've got to get the basics right. All this deficit spending is keeping the economy falling and it will end up in starvation and civil war if its not repaired. There is really no time for Keynesian delusion. If Trump doesn't have the balls to fix matters people should probably try and vote Tulsi in. Just in the hope that someone will decide that they need to deal with debts and deficits.

The idea that deficits improve the economy is not just a little bit delusional.