Thursday, October 10, 2019

The pathetic Lindsay

Update:  Allahpundit at Hot Air talking about Graham:
It’s amazing how able he is to compartmentalize his disgust at Trump’s Syria policy with his zeal in defending Trump on impeachment, frankly. They’re two distinct matters, granted, but politicians use leverage they have over one matter to exact concessions on unrelated matters all the time. Pundits keep warning that Trump is playing with fire by antagonizing Senate Republicans on Syria at the very moment that they’re about to take his fate in their hands on impeachment, but is he really playing with fire? Graham is heartbroken about abandoning the Kurds and yet here he is on Fox trying to blow up the impeachment effort on the president’s behalf before it even reaches the Senate. With ass-kissing like this, why should Trump feel pressure to throw the Senate GOP a bone on foreign policy?


Not Trampis said...

What a sham. In public Trump does not even try to hide his contempt for the US constitution and getting foreign operatives to allegedly get dirt on his political enemies.

Not Trampis said...

No only Trump