Wednesday, January 22, 2020

3 degrees noted in WSJ

The WSJ has an article that starts:
Assessing the likely impact of climate change has grown as a concern for big companies making strategic decisions about future capital allocation and strategy. But the challenge of forecasting temperatures far out has made such assessments tough.

In recent months, estimates among climate scientists of how temperatures are likely to rise over the course of the century have narrowed somewhat. The most catastrophic predicted warming looks less likely, but milder impacts also are looking less probable. The current broad consensus is that the world could warm by roughly three degrees Celsius by 2100.
Zeke (whose recent paper is discussed in the report) notes:

 How much outright denialism does the WSJ run these days?  I don't subscribe...


GMB said...
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Not Trampis said...

a lot

GMB said...
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GMB said...

Thats right Steve. Everything the Jew says is true. And it always has been.