Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Poland is a worry

Wow, there is some really worryingly Right wing authoritarian stuff going on in Poland at the moment regarding the judiciary, according to Anne Applebaum at The Atlantic.


Not Trampis said...

yep,very worrying and very Trumnpian

GMB said...
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GMB said...
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GMB said...
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GMB said...

Its the twilight zone. Such a strange mystery. No-one knows the answer. Its like those 3 stooges over at Catallaxy (Davidson, Kates and Moran). They cannot work it out that libertarianism is dying in the arse under their blinkered stewardship. Its the politics of envy. Its not any kind of reaction to unjust enrichment, or manifest failure, or the fact that these libertarians can never answer straight questions. Its not anything to do with the reality that they are soft on crony capitalism and banker welfarism. Not its just envy they reckon.

GMB said...
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GMB said...
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GMB said...

Here we have a middle east holocaust that these people have caused. And to her mind she didn't expect any reaction. Millions of people dead and homeless. No biggie in Annes view.

GMB said...

One sixty year old, they change the rules on him 7 times, kick him in the balls and say "look there is an angry old man. He must have a blood pressure problem!!! Lets pump him full of blood pressure pills"

Another guy the same age, they've figured he's on board with their zionist and deep state plans, he's a leader in a business with networking advantages. They lend him billions of dollars of cheap credit, over decades to allow for an effective monopoly. They create these first past the post billionaires everywhere so that their ponzi loans cannot go bad.

So the first fellow complains about the second fellow and the system. Thats the "politics of envy" according to Moran. We are ablaze in welfare for the already rich. Thats the policy of envy according to the three Catallaxy stooges.

GMB said...

So the mystery of Moran and the Mystery of Applebaum are really the same kind of mystery. There's no mystery at all its just people being one-eyed and bloody-minded. Bear in mind that Moran, Davidson and Kates are for the most part lifelong taxeaters. Thats got to affect their psychology.