Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Too much to post about...

Hey, work is busy, and the appalling state of politics has so much to complain about at the moment.  Such as:

*  what absolute pieces of work and jerks are those still willing to work for Trump, particularly Pompeo and Barr.   With Pompeo, the NPR reporter was completely vindicated in the emails released showing her intentions were clear, and the obvious problem was Pompeo's staff not passing on what they knew she wanted to cover.   Yet here is Trump and his bunch of obnoxious cult followers giving him congratulations:

With Barr, it looks like Bolton will say he also worried about Trump, but cult loyalty overcomes everything.

*  The impeachment looks like it might get Bolton as a witness after all.   That will be real popcorn eating viewing, for sure.   Of course nearly all of the cult followers won't budge in their view regardless of what Bolton says - because as always predicted, they have changed their position  from "of course it would be concerning if the President did that, but he didn't do it"  to "the President 100% did the right thing".  And they will maintain that even when someone they formally thought was a great appointment well matched to the Trump priorities says "no, you can't run foreign relations like that. It's wrong and corrupt."

Any and all Trump supporters have self-gaslite themselves into not being able to recognise truth from fiction.   It's what cults do.   One feels this cannot go on forever - but it is distressing that it has gone on for as long as it already has.   (And really, it is a pre-Trump phenomena that has been building over more than a decade.)

*  In Australia, is it a case of the Morrison government thinking it can bluster its way out of an obvious scandal, following Trump's lead?    There is a case for saying Ministerial standards used to be too tough, back in the day;  but it is ridiculous that Morrison is trying to bluff his way through this sports grant scandal.   


Not Trampis said...


you have to realise they lie all the time and brazenly and their supporters are so thick they believe the lie even despite the evidence.
This did not occur under Nixon

Steve said...

Hard to disagree Homer - but what is incredible to me is the psychological/social process by which we have got here, not so much by the "thick" (as both sides of politics have a large slab of followers who you wouldn't trust to be exercising much in the way of detailed thought) but how the "smart" operators got us here.

It's about how the side of politics that used to complain that the Left had gone post-modern and no longer believed in Truth and facts has, in fact, become the side that has most completely demonstrated an actual abandonment of Truth by favouring tribally motivated conspiracy and propaganda over any genuine attempt to find and judge facts properly.

Not Trampis said...

the irony

Jason Soon said...

it serves Trump right to hire neocon scum like Bolton but I am breaking out the popcorn watching the left establishment go gaga over said neocon scum as their latest saviour

Steve said...

And again, I will freely admit that there is a "the truth is what we say it is" gullibility element on the Left wrt identity matters - we see it in the matter of aboriginal heritage regardless of how questionable or limited the linage of aboriginal genes may be, and in the case of self proclaimed gender or sexuality. (You know - man married for 30 years and enjoying sex enough to father several kids says he would always have been happier without a penis.)

But this is, in practice, small stuff compared to the consequences of not believing in the science of climate change and its ability to literally re-shape the global and displace billions of people and past investment. Or to entrust the US to such a dumb, moral vacuum as Trump. Or to keep believing that tax cuts pay for themselves, etc.

Not Trampis said...

I agree Soony Bolton always had stupid views and contrary to what most think is by no means a warmonger merely a braggart. however Bolton shows again what a liar Trump and his allies are.
Indeed he brings new life to what a liar is.

Steve said...


Are Lefties supposed to be unhappy that a key witness and White House insider with direct knowledge of events is prepared to testify that Trump has been lying through his teeth since day one?

Do you think the "Left establishment" is going to re-write their attitude towards Bolton's history of deriding all Obama era foreign policy if he testifies?

Have you not read the many left-ist Tweets I have seen saying Bolton's timing is morally dubious "What? He waited to act on this until he knew it would give maximum publicity for his book?"

Have you missed the 100% reversal of many Trump supporters praising his appointment of Bolton?

Or do you get all of your information from numbnut conservative tweeters and Daily Tele contributors these days?

John said...

Why is the GOP fighting tooth and nail to prevent witnesses? If Trump is innocent bring it on. Steve, Homer, truth has long since abandoned modern politics. It's sad but that's the way a civilisation crumbles. Look at McKenzie, should be a no brainer that she is sacked but Scotty from Marketing won't do that.

GMB said...

The GOP isn't fighting witnesses. Quite the contrary. They want to drag a lot of people into court so they can humiliate the Democrats. This is a banana republic and both parties are now deeply corrupt. The Democrat leadership is the most corrupt if its a competition. But oddly enough none of the non-billionaire Democrat candidates except for Biden, are mired in corruption and wrong-doing. Thats quite the change. A very pleasing change. Nearly all these current candidates have clean hands.

These guys could nail Trump to the wall. But they have chosen to charge him with stuff that he is entirely innocent of as this big smokescreen. And its all because any real crimes of Trump have been done in the context of the Kosher Nostra. So the Kosher Nostra must accuse him of fake crimes.

GMB said...

Bolton is full-blown zionist. Officially he's a Lutheran but thats not where his head is at. Bolton goes so far as to stick up for the terrorist group the MEK. Thats hard-core zionist.

Trumps negotiating theory of the Presidency means that he brings in these lunatic hawks as a kind of ambit claim. So that it can scare 7 shades of shit out of his foreign equivalents. Its a way of notching up the pressure and then he can sail in and make a few concessions and come up with a good deal. This would work quite well, as hateful and nasty as it is, were he not a zionist. That hard-bargaining can work well but not unless you are working under sane assumptions and principles.

So he was going pretty well with the North Koreans at one stage. But he's made a dick out of himself in the Middle East

GMB said...
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John said...

This is a banana republic and both parties are now deeply corrupt. The Democrat leadership is the most corrupt if its a competition.

The Dems are a disgrace, the GOP is desperately trying to prevent witnesses. I think the Dems would happily sacrifice Biden just to get Trump. I'm struggling to believe why the Dems are backing Biden and my only idea is that he is part of the corrupt establishment and they will do anything to prevent the new blood, still at least relevantly free from establishment indoctrination, from gaining a foothold in their party.

I think Bernie is half baked crazy but I prefer him to Biden. Trump has shaken up the status quo, kudos to him for that, but slowly and surely he too is being captured by the establishment. Very difficult to see where all of this is heading.

GMB said...

Its no mystery. They are backing Biden so that you have to jump over another hurdle to get to the looting of the Ukraine, subsequent to a terrorist coup they carried out in that country. They used terrorism to remove the government. They then went on a looting spree in that country. By protecting Biden they are protecting themselves. We see a group of people that thrive on the rest of us being at war. So they desperately want to keep the war drumbeat against Russia and Iran. Schiff was very explicit about this in his speech. His speech was all about needing to fight the Russians over there so we don’t have to fight them at home. Total lunacy.

“the GOP is desperately trying to prevent witnesses.” Not when I’ve been watching. That may be the leftist reversal. It may be Democrats blocking witnesses but claiming that its the Republicans doing so. This projection is standard operating procedure. You don’t want just one side having the capacity to call witnesses and the Trump team can be predicted to react to any such attempts for this to be engineered.

Bolton is a special case. He was supposed to have been the Presidents main advisor for national security. If he is allowed to right books and testify under oath, then no foreign counterpart can ever have a frank and confidential talk with the President. Any President. Not just Trump.