Thursday, February 20, 2020

All the best people

I knew that if I wanted to see the worst possible take on a horrific domestic violence murder suicide by an estranged husband*, I could wait for Bettina Arndt to comment, or go to the open thread at Catallaxy.

News reports are saying that no  Family Court proceedings re the children were underway yet, so perhaps Arndt is finding it hard to come up with a "bias against men in the Family Court leads to despair" aspect yet.   But that doesn't stop a regular at Catallaxy:
push anyone hard enough and they will snap. the article mentioned that she had withdrawn the children from him, probably on advice of lawyers. its a standard trick before a family report, make the kids not use to being around dad. the family report will note awkwardness, the judge will use that to decide custody. my ex did it to me. she has probably been provoking him for months, again on the advice of lawyers so that bad reactions can be documented. ex did that to me as well and it went on for a whole year. by the end of it I was ready to kill someone. the first would have been her lawyers, but in the end I kept it together, just.

the system is easy to rort and is heavily biased against men.

this woman now has to live the rest of her life, physically and mentally scarred knowing she could have avoided it all.

the left has weaponised women’s hypergamous behaviour. might sound heartless but I have zero sympathy for her.
He wrote that before he knew the wife/mother had died in hospital too, obviously.  Also before he knew anything at all about the reasons the mother left home and was, apparently, not letting the kids stay with him.  

While the thread is not exactly full of endorsement of his take on the matter, several take the opportunity to chime in on his subsequent comment that Rose Batty (son killed by father) is an appalling person for campaigning against domestic violence.

I've said before that there are lot of psychologically damaged, bitter-after-all-these-years divorced blokes on the site:  and it when it comes to domestic violence, their takes are the worst in the nation.

Update:    you might want to sit down while you read this one (from a different, regular Catallaxy commenter):

He was challenged, by one of the women so stupid as to want to appear in that community, to which he responded:

 *  mind you, only recently estranged.  It looks like it is barely a couple of months since the wife left the matrimonial home with the kids.   

1 comment:

Not Trampis said...

I do not care what occurred.There is simply no excuse to kill your wife and your children.

That is beyond selfishness