Thursday, February 20, 2020

In Trump news

*  I see that some on Twitter are pointing out that the media should perhaps show some scepticism about the self-seving nature of the "I have considered resigning over the Trump tweets" story from Barr.   I think they are right:  it does have a air of "how can I ensure that I stay here, helping my dumb-ass boss whose heart is in the right place, while maintaining a semblance of independence to be recorded in the history books."  

*  Seems that Trump has decided to try to neuter the intelligence services by installing a complete flunky as their acting head (which apparently means the Senate can do nothing about it, even if they wanted to.)   What's that sound in Russia?  Putin popping champagne, no doubt.  

Someone else on Twitter, though, says that this will have a chance of backfiring, as Grenell''s direct, partisan interference is likely to result in lots of leaking against him.   But will that concern Trump cultists?  Probably not.


Not Trampis said...

Has no-=one paid attention to Trump's cabinet or senior personnel. They are all poor. Every one of them.
At least Reagan or Bush had decent people somewhere.

GMB said...

You just make yourself look stupid when you try and nail Trump over tweeting. If the President of the United States is not allowed to communicate with his constituents then no-one has the right to speak ever. Yet you don't care that he wiped out an entire peace delegation including key terrorist fighters? You are just goose-stepping man. Did you mention that he cut food stamps in the face of growing homelessness? I mean if we had really good policy settings for 50 years then we could cut food stamps and not wake up in the middle of the night feeling guilty about it. But he did it and people don't even have a roof over them.

So what is going on here in dumb left world. You must want Trump to win. Trump hasn't pulled out of the Middle East and he's on the wrong side of every fight there. Americans have murdered heaps of civilians in Yemen and assisted in the overall crime. And you huffy about a President talking directly to the public?

We need to be flying on two wings here. We need a sensible intelligent left wing. Like in the old days.

GMB said...

The intelligence services glide-path is towards zionism and the deep state. You have to make them more scared of your appointee then they are of their colleagues and whoever is the linear line of inbetweens that reach into the situation, from Rothschild, and other dynastic criminals in that international banking network.

So your man has to go in there and start sacking these traitors, and beating the truth out of them. Its always going to be that way until we defeat the oligarchy. If this queer homosexual pillow-biter cannot put the fear of god into these spook traitors, then what is he good for? He doesn't have kids so we hope that he is a patriot and takes a paternalistic interest in his nation as a whole. He is in a stable relationship so hopefully he's not haunting the toilets and certain beaches late at night. So maybe his motivations can be turned good and patriotic purpose.

GMB said...

You idiot!!!!!!! You are bringing Russia into it again. This is why you are useless at science. Because you simply are unable to admit when you are proven wrong.

Why are you so fucking stupid Steve? See I think its because you are a racist inbred traitor loyal to Judea. What do the rest of you reckon.

The cold war is over. Did you know that? Dopey?

GMB said...

When is the war ever over with you guys Steve? The idea was to win the war without killing many people, make friends with the former enemy, and come home. Why the antipathy towards Russia if its not getting the gentiles at each-others throat? Reagan had the right idea. Hillary Clinton, not so much.

The Russians are our natural friends and allies. We have to watch out for their Kosher Nostra organised crime. But the Russian people en masse are our buds. Where is international friendship and diplomacy in your thinking?

GMB said...

Turns out this queer is another zionist. So its just more of the time ongoing catastrophe.