Thursday, February 27, 2020

Possible outcomes of COVID-19 taking off in the USA

While this guy bemoans (rightly) the politicisation of COVID-19 by Trump, he doesn't go on to note that it's possible that the result of the gullibility of believing Donald and his conspiracy mongering mates might be a reduction in the population of Donald Trump supporters (seeing the virus is most deadly in the older demographic):

As for a more, slightly paranoid, pondering about what might happen:

Update:   Trump calms a troubled nation:

1 comment:

GMB said...

There was a trial run just three months before this trial run. Whose being gullible here? Bioweapons attacks are handled at above Trump level. This virus is becoming known for setting you up for catastrophe upon second infection. When the big population reduction comes it won't be just a single virus.

The Deep state isn't going to hurt Chinese people out of nationalistic patriotism. Its always about keeping our hands full so we never get around to stopping them stealing off us through their central banking system. Its not about favouring Americans over Chinese. Its about keeping our hands full. Once you realise that everything makes perfect sense. We aren't reforming banking and introducing nuanced Georgism because they are always throwing something more into our laps to handle in urgent fashion.