Monday, March 30, 2020

Go right ahead, libertarians

I've probably mentioned Topher Field only once before - the guy who has seemingly been funded (I would have to suspect by someone like Gina Rinehart via the IPA) to try to become a social media star running libertarian, anti-government, anti-regulation and "let's not worry about the environment" lines.   I see from his Youtube channel that he's been at it for more than 10 years, but it would seem hard to say "successfully" when the number of views he gets for a video now looks to be about a quarter (around 5,000) compared to what he used to get.  He has also bulked up - he looks (and sounds, now that I think of it) like a version of Benedict Cumberbatch who has let himself go even before he hit middle age.   

I find him very easy to ignore, but Sinclair Davidson still thinks he's worth listening to, apparently, and has posted his latest video in which Field fatuously offers to be infected with Covid-19, so as to help increase the herd immunity that will ultimately mean we can relax concerns about the virus.

Hey, given that libertarians are a serious menace to the future of the entire planet, who am I to object?  Is it too mean to say that I only wish more libertarians would give it a go? 

The broader point I want to make is that the libertarian line is to be upset that the government is taking economically harmful action when the data is not clear enough as to know with certainty how bad the problem really is.   This is very consistent with their malleable line on climate change - they first tried to convince everyone it was not happening at all, then moved towards conceding it might be happening but arguing you can afford to wait, until you know for sure how bad it is.  (Maybe it's even pretty good, some still try to argue.)

What they do not get, or wilfully ignore, is that the nature of some problems is that if you wait, there is no undoing the damage.   They are prepared to gamble on dire harm to the future of humanity because they value continuing economic growth so highly they try to convince everyone else to ignore well founded, scientifically based warnings that are dire for both the health of individuals and long term economic prospects of an entire planet.

In other words, they are foolish and try to spread their foolishness.   It's good they can't get their head on TV much lately.   Keep them in their internet enclaves, where they mainly just dumb each other down.


Not Trampis said...

This is like a war. you need government interventionist big time.

It destroys the libertarians view of the world.

They cannot take this so deny it.

Very 1950s commos attitude

John said...

Topher Field has been on youtube since 2009 and 5K subscribers. That's a huge fail. He is just another dick hoping to be relevant. I doubt he is funded though because of so few videos.

GMB said...

Like Topher I will volunteer to get infected. But only if there is a job in it for me. And I'd have to expand my stash of mitigating substances in order to deal with it. I only have one bottle of liposomal C and I could imagine needing half a dozen bottles if I got sick. Most of the rest of my stash is filled out. I haven't yet sources the hydroxy-chloroquine so thats another deficit.

Topher is way to flippant. He probably doesn't need a job like I do. He probably hasn't researched enough to be able to deal with the problem like I have. And he doesn't know this is biowarfare. So this is a much nastier piece of work than it may appear to be from (lets say) South Korean statistics.

I don't know why you are hassling Sinclair Davidson on this one. He's kept an open mind about it. He's letting all perspectives on the subject go ahead. The problem is I'm the only one pointing out its biowarfare. So every time I get on there, some synagogue buddy calling himself Rex, and another synagogue buddy called BorisG, get me kicked off before I can prove its a bioweapan, and show everyone how to deal with it. So thats a pretty big problem. I know Sinclair is committed to throwing me off but there could be dire consequences unless someone else can go on and prove what I've been trying to prove without the inbred troglodytes Boris and Rex getting in the way.

Its on Sinclair's head if someone else doesn't show up and make that case clearly. People aren't nearly serious enough about this one.

TimT said...

Yeah. Libertarians on Facebook are going crazy about this topic, Topher among them.

He’s being wilfully ignorant.

GMB said...

Conspiracy types have the idea that AIDS we 90% bullshit. And thats true. But its very dangerous to think this one is bullshit. This was is a bioweapon that the Chinese seem to have been working on by way of getting stuff from Winnipeg, North Carolina and Australia believe it or not. It this is not the case then its a false flag with low-hanging fruit to frame up the communists. But either way its a full-blown weapon. So we need to go to preparation.

Here is an old University friend of mine: He's completely solid and you should all take his advice.

GMB said...

Aids was 90% bullshit. This is a bioweapon. Sorry about the finger fumbles.