Monday, March 30, 2020

Speaking of tone deaf...

Chris Uhlmann, who I never considered the sharpest mind in journalism, was widely mocked on Twitter last week for praising himself for...not praising himself and his network about its Covid-19 coverage.  (He was ineptly having a go at his former ABC colleagues who were happy to see they were doing very well in internet hits for their coverage.  I think 7.30 might be rating well too, but I'm not sure.  Why he should resent the ABC doing simple self promotion and taking pride in the credibility with which it is perceived when it is under constant threat of more defunding under the current government, I have no idea.)

And today he is at it again:

It seems he positively wants to help prompt the defunding of the ABC.   As someone says in a follow up tweet:


Not Trampis said...

commercial media has always out rated the ABC but they have never had the trust that people have in the ABC

Steve said...

Yes. Mind you, even things like the ABC Breakfast TV show has often been rating second lately, above channel 9.

Not Trampis said...

We should also add ABC news is a 7 whilst 7 and 9 are at 6.