Thursday, May 14, 2020

Another Catallaxy situation

Steve Kates has been on another bender of Trump worship at Catallaxy recently, re-printing large numbers of comments from The Australian in support of his orange demigod after Troy Bramston dared write a highly critical piece.    

"So, what else is new?" you may ask.

Today, Kates goes into full blown wingnut conspiracy in a post in which he explains that the COVID-19 lockdowns are only about the e-vil Left trying to defeat Trump in the Presidential election.   Nonsensically, he also notes that a  lot of deaths have happened in nursing homes in strongly Democrat States, due to deliberate policies of allowing (or requiring) the residents to return to them after hospital admissions for COVID 19 treatment. The intention was, according to Kates, to increase deaths in those States.

Killing off frail nursing home residents in an already solidly Democrat State might seem, to someone not caught up in a bubble world of wingnut conspiracy, a strange way for those Democrat leaders to try influence voters in their favour.

Or as someone in comments says:

I don't understand the terms on which Sinclair gives posting rights to his blog, but it would seem to be on some sort of permanent basis regardless of the quality of content and the paranoia of the poster.  

Free speech for his nutty mates does mean, at least, that he continues to have his own reputation tarred by his own blog.  That's the good part.

Facilitating the import of the American paranoid/conspiracy style on politics in Australia - that's the bad part.    


Not Trampis said...

stupid is as stupid does.
Katesy has always been a sandwich short of a picnic

Jason Soon said...

putting that aside, what amazes me is some of the most decrepit and not exactly fit people have been the biggest anti-lockout hysterics e.g. the geriatrics at Quadrant magazine, the gastronome Morrow, while the IPA and Australian seem to want to kill off their donors and readers

John said...

Kates makes Alex Jones appear sane.

Steve said...

Jason: it is, of course, a consequence of that demographic having spent the last 2 or 3 decades telling each other that science (in the matter of climate change, and environmentalism more broadly) is a liberal conspiracy about desiring control.

GMB said...

You had a perfectly good thread and then you make an idiot of yourself with the oligarchical science fraud that you don't have a scrap of evidence for.

GMB said...

"Today, Kates goes into full blown wingnut conspiracy in a post in which he explains that the COVID-19 lockdowns are only about the e-vil Left trying to defeat Trump in the Presidential election. Nonsensically, he also notes that a lot of deaths have happened in nursing homes in strongly Democrat States, due to deliberate policies of allowing (or requiring) the residents to return to them after hospital admissions for COVID 19 treatment. The intention was, according to Kates, to increase deaths in those States."

Its really quite hard to kill a lot of people by accident. If you put sick people in the nursing home you are going to kill a lot of them surely as night follows day. Particularly if you have an anti- HCQ policy. So you know. I don't know why you would suggest its not intentional. Not an easy accident to make.