Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Foreign viewing

My son's starting to complain that I only ever want to watch foreign made shows on Netflix now, and he might have a point.  It's starting to get hard to remember the last English speaking series we watched - probably Haunting of Hill House.  [Update:  how could I forget - it was Lost in Space, season 2.]

But this has been a great thing about Netflix, the variety of high quality foreign shows.   I guess I could always have watched Nordic noir crime on SBS, but dark crime is a genre that doesn't hold much interest to me, generally speaking.  And don't go pointing to my fondness of Babylon Berlin as hypocrisy - while lots of bad crimes happen, often in seedy settings, it also has Weimar politics, young Nazis, prostitution, drug addiction, cults, gay bars, military spying, lots of scenes confirming that German food has always been pretty crap, a rich sooky son with a haircut that really annoys me, and a nutty hypnotist whose radio show (my son said, wittily) is like an early successful podcast (for the alt.right of the day, I would add).

We finished watching the third season of BB last night, and I ended up enjoying it a lot, even though I still think it was not quite as satisfying as the first two seasons.   Did anyone else notice how much Gereon seemed to get beaten up and injured in this season?   It's a wonder he sticks with the job, really.

I am still dissatisfied with the unexplained mystery about his brother (or is he?) Anno.   Actually, I think this Reddit theory about him might have something going for it.

Anyway, it seems they planned on season 4 to start being made later this year.  I hope COVID-19 doesn't stuff that up.

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