Monday, June 22, 2020

Low on my list of travel priorities

A few weeks ago I noted how Bangladesh was upset at its portrayal in the Netflix action movie Extraction, which was meant to be set in an extremely grim looking Dhaka, although none of it was filmed there. 

So, on the weekend I was looking at the back catalogue of Youtube videos by one of the travel vlogging couples I don't mind mind watching, Kara & Nate.  They were in Dhaka a year or so ago, and put out several videos.   As always, they try to find the most positive things to say (not sure whether there are sponsorship reasons for some of that).  But gee, it would take a lot more than their "this is crazy!" amusement to make me want to go to Dhaka:

They seemed to be the only Westerners in the entire city, but I am not exactly surprised that it is low on people's "must see" list.

So then, seeing I seemed vaguely interested in Bangaldesh, Google threw at me the next day a 30 minute story by Al Jazeera news  from 2017 called "Bangladesh's biggest brothel", about an appalling shanty town in the Bangladeshi countryside that has about 1,500 prostitutes, many of whom spoke openly about their lives and problems.

It was awful.

Whoever works in the Bangladesh Tourist Board (and they do have one) has their work cut out for them.

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