Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Andrew Bolt unmasked

So Bolt joins the Right wing whiner mob about wearing facemasks.

In "good" company with chef nutball Pete Evans, and Alan Jones:

You know the score:  climate change denialists have been in science (and common sense) denial for decades now - why expect them to exercise common sense (and a responsible attitude towards other people - including their kids and grandkids) over a viral illness?  

Bolt has been fact checked pretty effectively by The Feed on SBS. 

I just find the arrogance of promoting facemask scepticism very disturbing.   Making a living from bloviating is no doubt a large part of the problem, as well as playing Right wing culture war politics.

But doesn't just plain common sense suggest that using a mask is a helpful thing to do when community transmission is becoming a great concern in a city?   I mean, bloody hell, you even had Hannity taking that line.

And for the millionth time I note:  the problems of the Left in terms of "cancel culture" and identity politics may be irritating and cause some individual cases of injustice, but it's nothing like the actual life threatening danger on every scale (local community and planet wide; immediate and long term beyond our lifetimes) that the poisonous culture war Right is bringing.


1 comment:

Not Trampis said...

They are modern day luddites. anti-science indeed anti-intellectual