Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The finest conservatives

Unless things have changed recently, "areff" is Roger Franklin, long time Quadrant online editor:

It's not that he told her he was Dave Mason; it's just that he didn't correct her and (apparently) signed the name "Dave Mason", which I guess is supposed to make it not something that's dishonest and creepy (not to mention, I suspect, now a sexual offence in some countries), but a jape to laugh about decades later:

Conservatives speaking openly at Catallaxy are just the worst possible advertisement for Conservativism that I know.

Update:  it has occurred to me that he doesn't say when she asked for the autograph.  If it was after "sleeping with" her, he possibly might not have been dishonest prior to it.   I find it a bit hard to believe, however, that if she was interested in him because she assumed he was a well known musician, that she would have not been asking questions about band life before going to bed, and that this would not have alerted him to her error.


Not Trampis said...

They are not conservatives.

This confirms it.

GMB said...

Should you really be outing him? Whereas I usually make my identity known in fairly short order, mostly people want to stay anonymous. And does Susie's name need to be splashed around more? Maybe some editing is in order. We don't want to have Susie or her kids or her husband seeing this?

Steve said...

Graeme: it's even acknowledged within Catallaxy that Franklin posts as areff. See the comments here:


The bit about Susis O'Neil was a joke by another commenter (she was beside him on a long plane flight, or something like that, I think.)

GMB said...

Well thats good to know. But when you repeat Susie's full name like that it could be misunderstood by third parties. Couldn't you put some dashes after her name? Now that you have the explanation there things are a lot better.