Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Australian wingnut watch

I see that the idea of having to wear a facemask when going out is going down a treat amongst several of the wingnuts of Catallaxy:

Funnily enough, Sinclair Davidson himself seems to take the risk seriously. From another post, in which he does his own hysteric act over imagined anti-Semitism (in the Herald Sun, of all places):
More seriously – hope lockdown is treating you well. Despite what they say here, this is more than a flu and you should stay in iso.
There's a deep irony here:   he's at greater risk of catching it himself because of the very same nutjob hysterics who are attracted to his anti-science blog. 


Not Trampis said...

Stupid with a capital S.

I wonder why they are so anti-intellect

GMB said...

Yes that thread was interesting wasn't it. Sinclair claims that these guys are going with the letter of the Victorian State requirements. But they are clearly acting in an "out there" and arrogant fashion. So some push-back is inevitable like with the protestors, or sometimes Muslim prayer services. But there is this hair-trigger to cry anti-semitism. That stuff is running the risk of getting a bit old now. You do these things that I couldn't get away with without being fined, then you expect a bit of push-back. Yet Sinclair was ready to play that card. Maybe he should have left that one alone. Its bad enough that he acts in accordance with racial privilege in his censorship policy. At least you are a bit more evenhanded about it. Your three monkeys act is more consistent than Sinclair's three monkeys act. I don't know which I prefer less. To me both modes of censorship are completely oppressive and un-Australian. Particularly as the bodies keep piling up.