Friday, October 09, 2020

Extremely obvious sexism and misogyny

It's impossible to read the conservative reactions on Twitter and the net to Kamala Harris's debate performance without seeing screamingly obvious sexism and misogyny.

From Trump calling her a "monster", to Fox News calling her "cringeworthy", to (of course I went there) Australia's pathetic Trump base at Catallaxy saying that that her very voice was unbearable and making "jokes" about her and fellatio.

It is simply an inexplicable overreaction without factoring in white, older male sexism and misogyny - the same group in which Trump still has a majority of support, at least if they low education.   

I watched a bit of her performance on Youtube and I find her inoffensive.   I will make allowances for people letting political partisanship read things into voice and mannerism that are not really there (or not so obvious, at least, to the other side), but as I say, in this case, the conservative reaction is just over the top and the reason for it transparent.

By the way:   why are journalists buying into the whole Republican line that it's really bad if Biden and Harris don't explain clearly their intention regarding "court packing"?   As someone said on Twitter, what the Republicans are doing (or trying to do - it would be hilarious if COVID casualties prevent them from having a quorum to confirm Coney Barrett before the election) is a form of deeply unethical "court packing" anyway;  and I don't see that anyone who would be inclined to vote Democrat would really care if Biden kept his cards hidden on what his party might try to do re court numbers in future.

Update:  Ahem.



Not Trampis said...

They haven't just stacked the Supreme court. Look at just below. McConnell didn't allow Obama to appoint many judges at all

GMB said...

Come on Steve don't be an idiot. Its the current President that gets replacements on the court. The court packing that the Democrats are openly scheming is something quite different. Its about having more judges. Its cheating.

Those quotes that you put around words can't bail you out fella. The wrongology doesn't go away just because you use the quotation marks.

John said...

It was such a laugh to see the fly on Pence's head because the phrase "no flies on him" is about a person who is smart and not easily deceived. It is almost as if the universe was sending a message.