Friday, October 09, 2020

What he said...

 And also, what she said:


GMB said...

Obama is not above the law Steve.

Not Trampis said...

He is on roids and he is way behind.

He is panicking and this is what trump does

GMB said...

Obama and Biden are indeed criminals and ought to be in jail. But Trump is all bluster. He's not going to trigger these threats. That is the real estate developer from Queens talking. Its like "Back off you clowns I can play dirty too." Nixon went and let the coup against him happen. Trump doesn't have these kinds of tendencies. Nixon actually felt guilty about his wrong-doing. Trump isn't cut from that cloth.

But something is wrong with his campaign. He's too old and we see it in that he's taking advice from people who are actually trying to get him to lose. Its not just about getting the most gorgeous first lady ever to wear masculine clothing. Its so many things.

There is a little bit of return to good form where Trump is promising a free new treatment for Covid. Its actually a fantastic idea. But as those two clowns pointed out on ABC in depth .... it could be coming from a manic reaction to the steroid part of his treatment. Even Don Quixote occasionally had a good idea. A great idea but one that may not be coming from a sane mind. It was so over the top. Beautifully fantastic in a way. He has this grand idea and he suggested that God might have behind his White House Covid outbreak. He's getting God to become a Republican just ahead of the election. He had me laughing for hours, but I'm not sure if he will still pursue this when he's a bit more well.

Why its such a good idea is that it could deflect from all these vaccine rorts going on. What a waste of time and money. Vaccines are good for some things sure. But if there is one thing we know is that this is a corona virus. Its not rabies. Its not a wildebeast. Its not a bird or a plane. Its a corona virus. Vaccines have never been the appropriate way to deal with a corona virus. Its not that hard and complicated. You have to accept reason and logic and go about things in a systematic analytical way. Otherwise you will be a sucker for any number of scams.

GMB said...

Part of me wants him to keep on the steroid. Because if the left is right its making him more like he was in 2016. I mean we don't know of course. But even the dumb leftists sometimes come up with an interesting theory. The steroid could make him so manic he breaks free from the oligarchy. That would be suicide for him of course. But it would be good for the rest of us. When Kennedy was on all this gear, and after his father was struck mute, Kennedy got such a huge ego he almost created peace with the Soviets. He started speaking out against secret societies and almost sounded like a Bircher. He issued silver dollars from the treasury, not from the Fed. Cash not based around debt. He moved to stop Israel from getting nukes.

Of course you cannot go AWOL like that and not pay the price. But still it would be great if the same sort of liberation descended on Trump via the steroids.

John said...

Does Trump under separation of powers?

Since the first debate the polls are worsening for Trump. He played to his base which was the wrong target. The arrest of the Wolverines over their seditious goals and their support for Trump won't help him at all. At the next debate the inevitable question has to be, "Mr. Trump, do you support the Wolverines" because the Wolverines were standing back and ready to pounce.

GMB said...

You don't want to believe these polls. They look to be part of the setup for election trouble and fakery. Part of the current scamology is trying to get people to mail their votes in so those who vote in the wrong way can have their votes thrown out. But I take your general points. Trump allowed a bailout of the rich just like Obama did. Crippling for the economy. And yet he's saying that he'll bail out small business and your average unemployed person only after he is re-elected. He should have made the spending cuts necessary to help unemployed and small business earlier in the year instead of leaving everyone in desperate straights. And he ought not have allowed the usual suspects to rape the treasury. But then again he's always been under constant blackmail threat so he's had to pay off this overall protection racket. Heckle threatens impeachment and Jekyl raids the treasury. Really the same people running both sides of the scam.