Friday, October 23, 2020

Hugh Hewitt: Give me my tin-pot dictatorship and give it to me NOW!

What a laugh:

 Get this next bit:

It's too much for even the White House to take seriously?   

As always with Hewitt's columns at WAPO, the comments are about 99% mocking him.   This one is moderate in tone, but sums it up correctly, for anyone who isn't part of the Trump cult:


Not Trampis said...

sounds like Katesy

GMB said...

Yeah we get it. Biden has his office for sale to the Chinese and is intimidating money off the Ukraine using his son, who ought to be in rehab .... So therefore its really Trump doing it.

Unfortunately when you mention nepotism I have to agree that Trump is just as dangerous. The sort of power he has given to his quisling son-in-law is deeply disturbing. So we have one China sellout and two Israel sellouts as candidates. Just terrible. Not a patriotic candidate in sight.