Friday, October 23, 2020

So, how's the debate going?

Which means his cult members will think he's doing fantastic, because he's confirming their "insider who thinks he/she knows what's really going on" status.  The rest of the country, though... 


Again, his cult members, who are all about punishing those who don't align with their politics, will see no problem.


Not Trampis said...

To my surprise Biden is surprisingly cogent

Not Trampis said...

Trump had to win bigtime and he didn't. Biden was impressive.

GMB said...

"Trump had to win bigtime and he didn't. Biden was impressive."

I don't even mind the rage at Trump. I get it on the whole. (Though you guys are always looking the other way at his real wrong-doing and instead accusing him of bullshit.)

But what is this gushing over Biden all about? Biden just lied. He's making a recovery from dementia I'll give you that. It became probable, about two years or so ago, that you could actually begin some sort of recovery from dementia if you had access to all these expensive ketones and a range of other treatments. And by golly he seems to be slowly crawling out of that hole. But he just lied about everything. Taking a totally absolutist denial of the Hunter hard drive problem.

I suppose thats the smart move in this case because the elections are so close. Only total denial will get him over the line. But why are you guys tolerant of Biden in the first place? The main focus of election fraud is in the primaries. The bad guys know that faking up the final part of the election can be done but its riskier. So they engage in most of the election fraud at the primaries stage. If you wanted Trump out that was the time to get focused and concerned. Because the Democrats had a great lineup for a change. With two candidates that I'd find preferable to Trump, and maybe half a dozen that ought to have been preferable to your average congenital Democrat. None of which had Biden as a surname.

GMB said...

Its the usual choice Steve. The choice between a disaster and a catastrophe. Trump is a disaster with two Wall Street bailouts and almost no bailout for the starving and the homeless. He didn't even seem to play a part but let the usual pigs just bury their snouts in trillions of dollars of loot, supplied by both the Federal Reserve and the treasury. People like our beloved JC swimming in loot thanks to these bailouts. So Trumps a disaster. Trumps a disaster but he does good things on the monthly basis, that will produce wealth so the usual suspects can loot that wealth during the next bailout. So yeah Trumps a disaster for sure.

But Biden was and will be a catastrophe. Or lets say they are both catastrophe's. Catastrophe one and Catastrophe upgraded. Still the US is being ripped to pieces. But if its ripped to pieces a little more slowly under Trump, and China is contained a few more years under Trump, we here in Australia still stand a chance of not being culled and destroyed.

Let the tie breaker be the treatment of black people. Biden sent all these guys to prison for minor crimes that his son is engaged in on a daily basis. Trump is helping get these people out of jail earlier, he's providing traditionally black educational institutions with plenty of funds, and before Covid his job creation in black areas was pretty good. So if you want a tie breaker that would be it. But to me the whole thing was lost in the primaries. Only two candidates were ready to be President and the bad guys squashed them.