Monday, September 27, 2021

Some commentary on the Arizona "audit"

I've been looking around for articles debunking the "we haven't proved fraud but this might be fraud" style claims of the Arizona election audit:

Arizona ‘audit’: A multitude of unsubstantiated claims and no proof of fraud

 Five takeaways from Arizona's audit results

Trump pretends Arizona election audit findings didn't completely embarrass him 

And in this one:

The goal was to substantiate a new consensus Republican belief that Democrats cannot win elections legitimately, and that any victory they notch must be somehow tainted. It is not a coincidence that the places where audits have focused are those, like Maricopa County, or Harris County, Texas, or Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, with high levels of minority voters, who can be disparaged—mostly implicitly, but occasionally more directly—as illegitimate participants in the polity. Trump has been the foremost proponent of the theory, but he’s been joined by eager sycophants, demagogues, and conspiracists.



Not Trampis said...

Our catallaxy friends wil only say the audit was a fraud which proves the only people more stupid than Trump are trump supporters

GMB said...

We knew it was a coup ON THE NIGHT. It was proven on the night. Some people knew it was going to happen ahead of time. I could see they were preparing for a coup. But I didn't believe they would go through with it, until they actually did. Its amazing that anyone does not know it in retrospect. I suspect insincerity and collaboration.