Friday, May 13, 2022

I hope this causes the NFT fad to die completely

The online world, and especially the crypto community, is lambasting Madonna upon the release of her and Beeple's new collection of sexually graphic NFTs, which include explicit footage of the singer giving birth to trees, butterflies, and robotic centipedes. The video clips include close-up shots of the singer’s genitalia created using scans of Madonna’s body.

That extract is from Fortune, which at least has the good taste not to link to the site where you can watch the tree grow.  (Yes, I looked at it, and it is so, so stupid and creepy looking: a good comedian could probably do at least a 30 minute stand up set about it.)     Can't she just take up knitting, or something?


Not Trampis said...

NFT is what?

TimT said...

Perhaps this type of knitting.

You know that link is NSFW.