Monday, June 06, 2022

On being optimistic enough to have children

I strongly agree with the argument set out by Ezra Klein in the New York Times:  climate change is a very serious and urgent issue, but it is nonetheless lacking perspective to think that it is such a dire problem that adults who would otherwise like to have kids should decide not to have any.


John said...

Climate change is one consideration. The more educated the women the less the number of children. That's been going on for decades. There are other factors, like the demands of a modern career involving ongoing education, the cost of living, the prospect of being able to be self sufficient in old age, the increased opportunities for travel, the result being that there are now so many ways to enjoy life that having children is no longer the default option for a good life.

Your link for this post goes to the same link as the Hurt Ego post.

Steve said...

Oh sorry...
Will fix that

TimT said...

There's so much negativity about having kids too.

I once started writing a parody, Onion-style article for my blog - 'Married middle-class couple wake up in 2064 and discover that they could have had kids, after all' - but it was such a depressing joke to write. (And I also dislike sticking too closely to the Onion formula, which is by now very cliched).

GMB said...

You just believe this rubbish. You've got no reason to believe it. You just believe it.