Monday, July 11, 2022

Covid at home, continued

Yeah, I didn't even need to sleep during the day yesterday (Sunday).  Throat feels pretty normal again, but a bout this morning of serious cleaning of my bedroom (not physically demanding, just moving around a lot more than I have for several days) made me feel briefly unwell.  Still, the progress is generally in the right direction.   

I saw that Samantha Maiden tweeted yesterday:

and it was interesting to read the comments following, of some noting a similar very mild effect, and others how it was much worse for them, and some with lingering serious issues.   

As I have been saying virtually from the start, it seems a disease that's perfect for making life extremely complicated for public health officials and government:   the wide variety of responses mean that people will extrapolate from their own experience in a way that they shouldn't.  The unvaxed getting a mild response are particularly likely to feel vindicated, ignoring all detailed research on the benefits of vaccination at the community level.   And on the side of "panic", some people can point to legit studies indicating that even an apparently mild case might be causing lingering harm that is so not immediately apparent. But the seriousness of the harm is still up in the air.

It may not have made me very sick, but it's still a terrible disease...


GMB said...

Samantha is taking vaccine damage and causing it Covid. Since there is no virus for Covid, and we haven't determined how the terrorists caused the breathing problems, then there cannot be a test formulated for the virus, which never existed. From there we can see that a diagnosis for condition cannot be made from the tests.

You are seeing this all the time now. Its always vaccinated people who have these problems. Triple vaccinated, and so of course she is sick. Being sick she has more cell break-down and therefore more chance of creating a fake-positive on a Covid test. If you guys keep falling for the zionist depopulation agenda you won't be around much longer.

GMB said...

"The unvaxed getting a mild response are particularly likely to feel vindicated, ignoring all detailed research on the benefits of vaccination at the community level."

There is absolutely no evidence for that whatsoever. Thats all lies. You've never seen any such evidence. You can't find anyone who has that evidence. Thats just the depopulation agenda. Did you get this from the Guardian? Did you get it from a vaccine company release? From the New Yorker? From The Atlantic? Some other zionist rag? You didn't get it from any scientific evidence. Since it doesn't exist, nor could it. Since no-one has the virus, the death shots were not formulated with a pathogen in mind.