Sunday, August 28, 2022

Dark Brandon IS rising

The Dark Brandon meme continues to make for pretty amusing tweets:


GMB said...

Thanos sounds like Davos. And its a pretty appropriate meme given that the people who control the old actor pretending to be Biden, decided to thin the world population out. Go to Naomi Wolf to find the details. Miscarriages are through the roof. Death rates are up. Birth rates are down. So thats the triumph of Thanos. And anyone like me who didn't take the jab are completely compromised from an employment point of view.

Knowing the psychology of these people as I do, they would want to wipe out black people but so far their implementation means that black people will become more numerous than anyone else. Perhaps they were hoping to exterminate them through more straightforward means at a later date.

No what you are quoting here is bullshit. Biden is deeply unpopular as the population is suffering. So any big uptick in the polls will be orchestrated ahead of elections to give cover to rampant cheating. It can't be quite as out there as 2020. They will need some subtlety this time around.

GMB said...

Fake Biden is deeply unpopular. Lets not ever pretend he's the same blue-eyed corrupt gentleman who was around in 2017. You don't suddenly change eye colour at that age. I'm amazed you never noticed he was a different person at the primaries in 2019. I thought he had just gotten a lot of facial surgery. But no he's a completely different person.