Monday, November 14, 2022

A cool movie worth seeing

Finally caught up with Dune (part 1) on Netflix on the weekend, and I have to say I was very impressed.

I have previously criticised Denis Villeneune for making movies which look great but are still not satisfying.  There is a certain coldness about much of his work  - I'm thinking of the over praised Arrival and Blade Runner 2049, for examples.  And I could say the same about Dune, except that I reckon this time it works for the source material.   (Not that I have read the book, but I am basically familiar with the story.)  

I never saw all of David Lynch's version, but the bits I did watch (perhaps on VHS?) looked kind of ludicrous in comparison.  In fact, I think the main thing people remember about the film is the quasi camp costume and set design - has anyone ever worked out whose fault that was?   Because Villeneune's version just felt exactly right - all brutalism in the building design, and a sort of organic look to some of the space craft.   A lot of it was dark too, but not "can't work out what's going on dark" as so many people complain about in the likes of Game of Thrones.

Anyway, a pretty great film.  I am very glad it made enough money to get the second bit made.

Update:  speaking of Messianic fantasies:  


Not Trampis said...

I preferred Lynch's movie.

too many changes to the novel in the present movie and he had much better actors

Steve said...

Really! You are a Dune nerd, if I recall correctly, and I really didn't think any of them cared for the Lynch movie.

Steve said...

I remember now that you have told me this before - sorry. I might have even responded in a similar way.

Not Trampis said...

the Dune series is one of the great reads. The last two are possibly the best