Monday, November 14, 2022

Lost Lake

God knows, I'm not normally that interested in who wins the Governor races in America, let alone Arizona in particular, but that Kari Lake is so awful I am very pleased to see that she is not picking up the votes she thought she would in today's "drop".  It makes it look very unlikely that she will win.

I can be pretty confident of this, because with today's "drop", stupid Gateway Pundit has upped it's "that's impossible, an obvious election fraud is happening right before our eyes" game.  I will link, so you can read how evidence free that site likes to be.  For example:

Kari Lake gained only 8,911 in Maricopa!

So now we are supposed to believe that Democrats came out in force on Election Day!  What a disgusting lie!

This is the standard of evidence required on the MAGA Right:  "You're saying we lost?  That's impossible!  It is obviously fraud."

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