Monday, November 14, 2022

Moderation fail

So dover beach's Blog for Ageing Reactionaries is arguing with monty about the MAGA line that young single women (who voted against Republicans) are obviously all unhappy and don't know what's good for them (namely, getting married, stop working and having kids.)  This led to mention of lesbians, and, generically, how gay people never end up happy.  Which led to this:

I am mildly curious as to whether allegedly serious Catholic dover beach leaves up a comment that, obviously, is virtually a Nazi level justification for the terrible treatment of all gay people.  

Update:   I clicked on "Report comment" link yesterday, which is meant to alert dover beach to a problematic comment. He has also been on the site since it was posted.

This morning, the comment is still there, now with 4 likes!:

Once again, I note my absolute disgust with dover beach, who facilitates the promulgation of hatred in a way that is clearly against the teaching of his own Church.  


John said...

They still don't understand that the younger generation isn't concerned about the LGBT demographic except with respect to discrimination against them. The attitude displayed by Razey reminds me of a comment made about the decline of young people in USA churches. The comment was that because so many evangelical christians demonise the LGBT demographic young people are resentful because that is a demonisation of some of their friends. Conservatives more broadly engage in same demonisation and don't understand that for the younger generation that is not only insulting to that demographic it is an insult to them for having friends in the LGBT community.

Not Trampis said...

you have far too much time.

I do wish some evangelicals would remember that it id homsexual acticity that is sinful and that adultery and fornication are far more popular than homosexuality.

John said...

"I do wish some evangelicals would remember that it id homsexual acticity that is sinful and that adultery and fornication are far more popular than homosexuality."

They can't attack adultery because that would alienate the greater population. Safer to go after a smaller target.

Steve said...

John, I get a real laugh at the hypocrisy of many of the New Catallaxy mob on sexual mores. Lizzie over the years has been happy to regale us with stories of how she was some artist's muse when she was but a youngster, how she had a string of boyfriends between husbands, and even (I think this is right, but its from many years ago on old Catallaxy) that she slept with her current husband the same night she first met him at some dinner. (I hope I have that right.) She also once told us of an ugly argument with her beloved Hairy in which she left the house with the kids for the night.

I mean, her experience is far from unique, and I'm not saying she's a bad person (God knows, her whole online existence revolves around telling us she's full of charity and good works) but it's kind of galling to listen to someone with that life experience who now tut tuts about modern women just not understanding how the Leftist view of life is all wrong.

Much the same can be said for the Very Angry Cassie, who has talked (not to the same extent as Lizzie, but no one else on the planet is as full of self disclosure to strangers as her) of past and recent relationships, but has apparently never married, and in all other respects comes across as a conservative and basically religious person.

And who can forget the Cuban sex tourist (an exaggeration, but not by much) Dr B; even though he doesn't spend as much time on talking about how other people should live their sex lives.

So yeah, it's basically the blog for ageing conservatives who like to fornicate while telling people who vote for Labor that they fornicate too much and with the wrong sort of person...

m0nty said...

Zippy has toned down the fascist stuff as I have been calling him out on it, but Razey and a few others have stepped up with comments like that one.