Friday, May 26, 2023

Week end thoughts

*  The late Tina Turner:  pop music not being all that important to me, it's not like she was a performer I would ever have bothered seeing, and I rate her songs as being in the "inoffensive to sometimes catchy" range.   But, she seems to have been a genuinely nice person, and I have to agree - the Rugby League marketing campaign featuring her and her songs was, like, probably the best campaign of its kind we will ever see in a lifetime?  (And again, it's not as if Rugby League is important to me, even though I may watch about 3 games a year - it's just that the quality and likeability of that campaign was undeniable.)

* There seems to be an awful lot of gullible promotion of alleged evidence of UFO's lately.  That Mick West manages to debunk most with relative ease, but there is still some kind of mystery going on, especially at sea, I reckon.

*  This certainly belongs in the "funny because it's true" category:

*  And although this is very old, in light of another Fast and Furious silly movie being released, this is also very amusing:

* Here's an idle thought:  back in 1982, in ET, a kid wore big headphones while riding his bicycle and I think audiences were meant to, and did, take it as a geeky, not cool, look.    Fast forward 40 years, and  adults now walk around with headphones anywhere: in the supermarket, on the bus, etc; and no one - except me perhaps - seems to thinks it's a bad look.    Discrete earphones I can handle, but headphones just look too anti-social to me.  A "don't bother me, I'm in my own world" kinda vibe.



1 comment:

Not Trampis said...

I didn't like tina turner. A shrieking voice, wigs that made her look stupid and unattractive to boot BUT she had had great legs and could dance in her heels even when she was 70 and she never let her shape go bad either.

We are the only nation that does the nutbush as well!