Tuesday, May 07, 2024

An eye-catching headline, or two

You know, I prefer the Washington Post to the New York Times.   Here are a couple of eye-catching stories from the former, this morning:


Gift link here.   It does make me think better of this Pope, but there is no doubt that his Pontificate shows up all of the internal tensions of the Catholic Church that he somewhat clumsily tries to reconcile (or paper over); but I fear it is a doomed project, for any Pope.    

And on a somewhat amusing note, this article about a former US Navy Admiral who went to jail over a major corruption scandal reads like fodder for a Coen brothers movie:

Well worth the read.  (Gift linked.)

Update:  By the way, reading that article about the way the US Navy worked made me think that navies the world over seem to attract officers who are there for a good time, so to speak.

Based on my own military service, I always thought that navy officers I met were good humoured and the most relaxed to be around.  Army officers were the most likely to be very serious, very certain of their worth, full of bad management decisions, and often unpleasant company.  The air force, being dominated by pilots and those who support pilots, was more a haven for individuality and not being bothered with all the trad military stuff.   As such, many are not outgoing like navy officers tend to be, but it's a much more relaxed, and sensible, service than the Army.

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