Monday, May 06, 2024

At least one new thing

I don't post on weekends very often anymore.  Largely, that's because I don't have a decent desktop at home, and usually leave my laptop at work, and doing any significant amount of typing on a tablet isn't much fun.  I should probably buy a decent bluetooth keyboard for the Lenovo and see how that is for ease of tablet posting.  In fact, my wife has one, I think?  Further investigation is warranted.

What I have found lately is that, unless I have posted about something new or interesting, it doesn't feel as if I have had much in the way of new thoughts.  (And I don't like to go any length of time without feeling like I have some new thought.)  This becomes especially noticeable towards the end of a long weekend, like the one about to expire in about 30 minutes.  

I mean, I may have watched a large number of Youtube videos on various topics and surely learnt something new, read a thousand tweets, scanned some news stories, listened to some ABC podcasts, had a beer with friends, cooked a nice meal or two, and so on, but unless I get around to posting about any of that here, it doesn't feel they are adequately committed to memory or as appreciated as they should be.

Is that a downside, perhaps, of writing a blog that's pretty much an open diary for 19 years?  Maybe.

There's also the way the constant flow of new snippets of information in front of your face makes it very hard to concentrate on one topic in a way that used to come with starting a book - and finishing it.  Yes, damn you, internet for being both wonderful and concentration eroding at the same time.

Anyhow, this is a long winded way of saying that it seems I had a pleasant enough, relatively uneventful weekend, but it feels as if something is missing.  

Alright, I will post one Youtube video consumed this weekend which had a not particularly promising title but, after the first 5 minutes or so of covering old ground I certainly was aware of before, did indeed teach me something about cosmology that I hadn't realised before.  (It's to do with the size of the universe.)   That's worth committing to searchable memory.   Here it is:

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