Friday, June 21, 2024

A very funny interaction

I find it a bit hard putting my finger on why I can find Ronny Chieng very funny:  I think a lot may be just down to what I call "Chinese deadpan" delivery?   It amuses me, even if a joke doesn't land as well as it should.

Anyway, this interview he did on The Daily Show is genuinely delightful - a very funny interaction between him and an old friend, made funnier by the presence of a third person to whom the guest can gossip about Ronny in front of him.   (A lot of comments following the video show I wasn't alone in laughing a lot throughout it.)     


John said...


This came up in my youtube feed. Both funny and scary.

Steve said...

Yes, I saw it on the weekend too. There's no way that annoyance with Biden running again (and therefore not voting) is any legitimate or reasonable reaction to the prospect of the insane wannabe fascists who Trump would be surrounded by on a second term.

Steve said...

Just the same as the pro-Palestinians saying they'll not vote for him - yes, sure - the classic cutting off your nose to spite your face.

John said...

Terrifying ...

David Frum, “if conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism, they will abandon democracy”,