Friday, August 02, 2024

Longevity does not run in the Waugh genes

This is a surprise:  I went to Quadrant on the off chance of finding some laughable fanboying of Donald Trump, and instead found something well written and not cringeworthy - an obituary for Alexander Waugh: grandson of Evelyn, son of Auberon.  He recently died at the age of 60 (prostate cancer - ugh), and as the article notes:

Alexander’s death on July 22 sadly mirrors the early demise of Evelyn at 62, and Auberon at 61.
It's written by Mark McGinness, a name which sounds a bit familiar but maybe I'm imagining it.  It reads like it was for a better publication than Quadrant, but there is no attribution, so I don't know.

Anyway, eccentricity and writing talent seems to have been in his genes, if not longevity.   It's an interesting read.

1 comment:

Not Trampis said...

wow Steve and Mark Waugh had english fmily?