Thursday, September 19, 2024

Slow to learn

Without going into the question of the morality/legality of this type of operation....:

Second wave of Lebanon device explosions kills 20 and wounds 450

.... I find it a bit hard to credit that any male in Hezbollah thinks it's a good career move to work for them.  They are outsmarted and successfully targeted by Israel no matter where they are.   

It's probably also the first time the equivalent of a supply officer - usually the last person in a military organisation you would expect to be in major trouble - to be fearing for his life.  (From the boss, I mean.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The slow learning here comes from the intermediaries who think it’s ever okay to do business with a Jew. The pagers and other devices were treated exactly like the vaccines the Jews sent us. Wherein the Jews tried to poison everyone we ever knew and in a few cases succeeded. These are the eternal well poisoners. So if Australia outsources any project at all to them, this is what they were doing.

By showing their hand so openly this is a massive strategic failure for the Jews. Yes like Clif Barnes we trust JR Ewing over and over again and get burned. But even this has its limits.