Friday, May 31, 2024

Reactionary conservatives have become too stupid to bother engaging with (Part 10,000)

They literally have circled around far enough to the Right to shake hands with Communists and fascist murdering leaders (both with territorial expansionary plans) because, hey, any enemy of my domestic political opponent is a friend of mine.

When have we seen such cynical and deadly politics before?  Gee, I don't know.  (The main historical difference being you can't trust the current nutball Right to renege on the peace deal with dictators.)

Amusing technological story

 You have to read the whole, long, story by that Josh Whiton to see why it's funny.   (Turns out that in poorer countries where they buy wired headphones for an Apple, they all know that they only work if Bluetooth is on, and seemingly assume that is normal.) 

The coming disappointment?

Following Trump's conviction, which I was watching live on breakfast TV this morning, I saw two American lawyer commentators saying that Trump may well avoid incarceration in a jail, and have home detention or some other non custodial punishment.

Given Trump's utter contempt for the judge and legal system throughout the trial and after it, it is hard to see why he should be treated with any form of kid gloves.   But the Washington Post confirms the coming (possible) disappointment for all of us who would love to see him in jail:

The charges against Trump are nonviolent Class E felonies, the lowest level in New York, and they are punishable by 16 months to four years in state prison. Legal experts said it is unlikely that Trump, 77, would be incarcerated, given that he had not previously been convicted of a crime.

Other options for Merchan include sentencing Trump to probation, which would mean he would need approval from a parole officer to travel outside the state. Trump also could be fined or granted a conditional discharge pegged to the requirement that he stay out of further legal trouble, legal experts said.

Also - how utterly appalling are the Trump suck ups (Mike Johnson, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, etc etc) rushing to condemn the verdict by parrotting their cult leader's line?   Not a spine - or sense of decency and civic responsibility - amongst them.  It's the most dangerous and corrupt party the country has ever seen.

Update:   The New York Times commentary on this seems to treat the possibility of a custodial sentence more seriously:

A pre-sentencing report makes recommendations based on the defendant’s criminal record — Mr. Trump had none before this case — as well as his personal history and the crime itself. The former president was found guilty of falsifying business records in relation to a $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels, a porn star who says she had a brief sexual tryst with Mr. Trump in 2006, in order to buy her silence.

At the presentence interview, a psychologist or social worker working for the probation department may also talk to Mr. Trump, during which time the defendant can “try to make a good impression and explain why he or she deserves a lighter punishment,” according to the New York State Unified Court System.

The pre-sentencing report can also include submissions from the defense, and may describe whether “the defendant is in a counseling program or has a steady job.”

In Mr. Trump’s case, of course, he is applying — as it were — for a steady job as president of the United States, a campaign that may be complicated by his new status as a felon. Mr. Trump will likely be required to regularly report to a probation officer, and rules on travel could be imposed.

Mr. Trump was convicted of 34 Class E felonies, New York’s lowest level, each of which carry a potential penalty of up to four years in prison. Probation or home confinement are other possibilities that Justice Merchan can consider.

That said, Justice Merchan has indicated in the past that he takes white-collar crime seriously. If he did impose prison time, he would likely impose the punishment concurrently, meaning that Mr. Trump would serve time on each of the counts he was convicted of simultaneously.

Can you imagine how Trump would be in a chat with a psychologist doing a pre-sentence report??

Can you imagine how un-seriously he would take probation visits?   

The more you think about it, the more obvious it is that anything less than a custodial sentence is wildly unlikely to have significant effect or influence on him - and surely that's one of the points of punishment?

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Perchance to dream

A BBC story about the (very common) exam anxiety dream:

We may have lots going on in our lives, so why is it that exams can stand out in our dreams?

"It's a common theme to dream about anything that is threatening," says Prof Espie. Just because something is threatening it doesn't mean it's bad, he says, but it can mean it's challenging - and exams are, almost by definition, challenging.

"For most people, they don't look forward to their exams, right?"

"It's on your mind during the day, and it shouldn't surprise us that it's on our mind during the night."

Exam dreams are quite common, according to Prof Espie. "Pretty much" everyone has dreams even if they do not remember them.

"For a proportion of people those [exam dreams] are not breaking into consciousness, so you're not aware of them at all," he says.

"For some people it will be breaking through a little bit more and it will be occasional, and for some people it will be an every night problem."

I do find it somewhat surprising that, even after 40 years since my last significant exams, I can still have the occasional exam dream of the typical "but I haven't prepared for this" scenario.

Lately, I seem to be having a fair few dreams in which the problem is that I can't remember whether or not I have done something important I had to do.  I hate it when you get that type of dream and you half awake, try to think "wait, that's only a dream, isn't it?" and them fall back into semi-sleep where the anxiety feeling of not having done something resumes.

There was also an article recently in the Washington Post about what the elderly tend to dream about:

It’s one of the mysteries that sleep scientists still ponder. Do dreams change as we age? If so, how and why?

Research suggests that they do, and experts say it’s probably because of changes that occur over the life span, including in jobs, relationships, trauma, even death. Dreams often reflect these changes in ways that can be disturbing as well as pleasant. They also can include old memories that the elderly relive while sleeping, such as dreaming you are back at an old job long after leaving it.....

As we age, the frequency of erotic dreams and sports dreams declines, said Michael Schredl, research director of the Sleep Laboratory at the Central Institute of Mental Health in Mannheim, Germany. While students are more likely to dream about friends, the elderly more often dream about relatives, he said. Older people also have nightmares less often, he said. But dreams about people who have died increase.

Older people also report dreams of being lost in a strange environment, or of searching for their car in a foreign city, Schredl said. “And there are a substantial number of work-related dreams in retired persons, often negatively toned — being back in the old job — if the job was stressful.”

Well yes, I still have dreams about my former job relatively often.   

The comments following the article are interesting too:

As a retired English professor, I often dream about being in class and teaching a topic that I have not prepared. For years, I had dreams about having a thirty page research paper due, and it is the night before the due date, and I have not started writing. Fun stuff. 


I retired at age 81. My dreams since retiring are so real that I have to remember upon awakening that it was a dream. I also dream of trying to get home from a downtown area without a way to get home. I was really wondering why my dreams of work were so real and if something was going wrong with my brain. Loved reading that it is common for retirees.


I’m a 77 year old man. Certainly have way fewer erotic or even pleasant dreams. And, consistent with your article, my dreams consist mainly of work related (I’ve been retired quite awhile) and travel. I’m often lost,can’t find my car, missed trains and the like.  

And the answer to this seems to be "no":

Will the "Oh My GOD I forgot to attend class all year now I have a final and I will fail and never graduate" dreams ever end?

Never had them in college. Started after I graduated

A few people miss having flying dreams.  (I'm not alone in enjoying them, then):

At 84 sadly I never dream of flying ! I loved those dreams ! ....

I used to have flying dreams once in a while. Where are those dreams? They were great.
Weren't they! I'm the same age as you and flying used to be a recurring lovely dream that I too haven't had for over 20 years. I could levitate and soar through the air just by stretching my arms out and making gentle movements like one does treading water. People would watch in amazement, but it was so easy for me! 
 That sounds just like my flying dreams! I would soar about 10 or 15 feet above the ground ( never higher which is good as I am afraid of heights) and be moving slowly and gently, more like floating. But the sensation was so strongly felt in my body that when I awoke I would be thinking I really ought to be able to do this during the day. Loved those dreams and also haven’t had them for about a decade.
I haven't read of anyone who has had my recurrent "proof of flying" dreams - which I described way back in 2006.    Haven't had one of those for some time, though.

Feeling sorry for the subcontinent (again)

In India:

Temperatures in Delhi have hit a record high of 52.9C (127.2F), as authorities warned of water shortages in India’s capital.

A heatwave alert has been in place for large parts of India since last week, but on Wednesday the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said the temperature in the suburb of Mungeshpur had passed 50C for the first time in the city.

The temperature was more than 9C higher than expected, the IMD said, and came on the second day of record-breaking heat. On Tuesday a high of 49.9C was hit in Mungeshpur and Narela, breaking the 2002 record of 49.2C....

Many blame the soaring temperatures on scorching winds from Rajasthan state, where temperatures on Tuesday reached 50.5C.

At the SMS hospital in Rajasthan’s capital, Jaipur, so many bodies of casualties of the heat have arrived at the mortuary that its capacity has been exceeded. Police in the city say many of the victims are poor labourers, who have no choice but to work outside, and homeless people.

(As I have said in previous years, it's always hard to believe that the death toll from heat in India during heatwaves is not higher than what is reported.)

Meanwhile, recently in Pakistan:

Temperatures rose above 52 degrees Celsius (125.6 degrees Fahrenheit) in Pakistan’s southern province of Sindh, the highest reading of the summer and close to the country’s record high amid an ongoing heat wave, the met office said on Monday.  

Yes, as hellish as that sounds, the top temperature a few years ago was even worse:

The highest temperature recorded in Pakistan was in 2017 when temperatures rose to 54 C (129.2 F) in the city of Turbat, located in the Southwestern province of Balochistan. This was the second hottest in Asia and fourth highest in the world, said Sardar Sarfaraz, Chief Meteorologist at the Pakistan Meteorological Department


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

In which I get to gloat a bit about commercial failure

So, that Furiosa movie which I was happy to criticise sight unseen (honestly, the chances of my liking it after I panned Fury Road were so infinitesimally small they can be ignored)  has more-or-less already been declared a box office failure because of its opening weekend take.

Really, we shouldn't be surprised.   There are lots of signs that the public is, generally, pretty much over sequels:  see the increasingly bad take of Marvel movies, the worse than expected performance of the last Mission Impossible despite good reviews, and the really bad performance of the last Indiana Jones (although many poor reviews - based more on an unfair allegation that it was too "woke" - did likely affect it.)    Yet the high brow Oppenheimer and the lightweight, but at least novel, movie Barbie did spectacularly well.

What's more, as at least one "bro" reviewer (The Critical Drinker - who didn't mind Furiosa and loved Fury Road) remembered to note:  the fans seem to think that Fury Road was a much bigger commercial success than it really was.   As someone in Forbes writes:

At baseline, Mad Max: Fury Road is not some extremely massive blockbuster superhit. The film earned $380 million worldwide on a $150 million budget and even more in marketing. Solid, but nothing too insane.   

People also seem to forget how long ago Fury Road came out - 2015!    I do agree with most people that it is doesn't feel like it was 9 years ago, but maybe the Covid years have warped our sense of time.   I guess the Star Wars prequels show that you can still make money from a long gap in the series, but they are probably the exception more than the rule.

Anyhoo - if I were in control of Hollywood at the moment, I would be throwing money at anything that is novel in both story and vision, not based on comics, and is good for charismatic new actors under 30.   (There seems to be a significant gap in the acting market in that age range.)

And yeah, the "remake old stuff but with a powerful female lead instead of a male" as a concept has finished its run, too.   

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

I'm busy (and I have a new phone)

 I would have bought another Vivo if only they hadn't abandoned the Australian market, so instead I went with a Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro - a model that seems to have had reasonably good reviews.   I paid $629 (and an extra $70 for the fast charger - which is a tad annoying, since unboxing videos on Youtube show that in some countries, they include the charger in the box.)

This is the most expensive phone I have ever bought - I'm probably really in the "mid" range now (maybe "lower mid"?), rather than "upper budget". 

Of course, being Android, with a company overlay, it takes some getting used to learning how exactly the settings are named and hidden.   My initial impressions are that this phone does not like sticking permanently to options I tell it to use - but it is also quite likely that this is due to my lack of understanding the settings yet.   I said to someone that the trickiness of changing Android phones might be useful for helping stave off dementia - we should make the elderly swap Android phones every 12 months for this reason, as a public health measure.

Anyway, I like the screen, but it seems to keep giving me notifications on the lock screen that I don't find easily when I unlock the phone.  Odd.

This phone is also supposed to have an eSim option, but it's not obvious from the settings.  I will be annoyed if that is not really there.  More investigation needed.

So yeah, these initial comments are sounding pretty cautious - hopefully it's just teething issues. 

Update:  Am feeling pretty sure that there is in fact no eSim capability, despite the advertising on the JB Hi Fi website, and the specific enquiry about that when I was buying it.  Further discussion with the store is taking place.

Update 2:  Now, I'm not so sure.  Optus App says my phone is compatible to buy eSim here.  Yet in settings, there is no reference to eSim at all.   I almost feel forced to try buying a cheap eSim plan and try loading it to make sure it's real...

Update 3:  Well, that took another couple of hours of investigation and fiddling, and even then the answer was only found via a Reddit search!  To get the phone to show the "Use eSim" option in network settings, you have to change the region from Australia to another country - UK, Singapore, or Malaysia all work, but other countries are like Australia and don't show it at all.   (By which I mean - the slide button to "Use eSim" simply does not appear.  Change region, and it's there.)

I then could load a cheap local eSim for data service only (bought online for US$4.50), and it worked!  I don't know if I had to, but I switched the region back to Australia and it still worked.    This is secret knowledge that was not easy to track down.  Ordinary Google searches did not turn it up.

This is excellent:   I can now pre purchase an eSim and be ready to go without finding a sim card at the airport on arrival.  

Friday, May 24, 2024

The game-ification of violence [an old(er) man complaint]

There was very little chance that I would like any series based on a video game that begins with a warning of "strong blood and violence", but I gave the first episode of Fallout a go.   

I found it very un-engaging and dull:  as I said to my son (who didn't exactly give it a rave review, either) nothing about it feels real.   By which I meant:  "of course a story based on a post apocalyptic video game is not going to 'feel real' in a literal sense, but in the shallow way the characters feel drawn, the emphasis on visual effects, and the over-the-top violence and blood, its video game origins are far too obvious."

And the frequent ironic use of 50's music just played like a tiresome gimmick we've seen before that was trying too hard.   Hey, I've found a review that complains about it feeling shallow, too:

Startlingly glib, one-note, and yet self-assured in its vacant design, the series reveals its shallow hand very early. “Fallout” endlessly reprises the wholesome quaintness vs. the grotesque or freakishly ruthlessness mode of apposition and fails to do anything remotely interesting with it, reinforcing what swiftly becomes a long, tiresome pattern and slog....

...the game’s milieu was one of atompunk retrofuturism, juxtaposing 1950s post-war idealism—the naïve promise of space-age technology and nuclear war anxieties— against the framework of a ravaged and dangerous apocalypse. While “Fallout,” the series, presents the concepts and throwback aesthetics faithfully, that’s unfortunately all it’s got in its trivial toolkit. What it does with it beyond that devoted presentation is just banal, insipidly trying to make a big meal out of a thin idea that is barely sustainable nourishment. 

Finally, let me slip into my oft-repeated complaint:  the "game-ification" of, and desensitisation to, ultra violence that both modern movies and video games have brought is shameful and a bad thing for society.   (And my follow up for even-handedness - I know, past generations might have thought nothing of a day out to view a real execution, or of kids watching a cow or pig being slaughtered.   I don't think watching human executions is ever a sign of a good society, either.)    But the way we have gone from at least some adults thinking that young kids playing with toy guns was an unfortunate endorsement of violence, to now barely a parent being concerned that their 10 year old is splattering characters and watching them explode in a gallon of blood is, well, really something. 

Anyway, I think it likely that the really enthusiastic reviews will mainly come from people under 40 who have played the game.  As Rolling Stone wrote: the soundtrack, there are pieces of so many other movies and shows — Apple’s Silo beat it to market by a year with its own (albeit more dramatic) portrait of post-apocalyptic underground life — that much of it plays as ripping off other material, even though the games have been around in various forms since the late Nineties. 

...even if Last of Us didn’t exist, Fallout would still feel like an arch and overly-familiar series, with enough interesting performances and background details to keep it from being a waste of time, but not enough spark of its own to be fully satisfying. Though maybe fans of the game will feel differently.


Thursday, May 23, 2024

Turbulence worry

I'm pleased to see that the nearly all reporting on the terrible Singapore Airlines turbulence injury story has included reference to studies that said climate change has already increased turbulence and it will get worse.   I had wondered if this might be overlooked, but no:

Here's a Nature article about it. 

What a surprise - Republican shameful cowardice on full display

From the Washington Post, the predictable but still appalling retreat:

Former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley, who suspended her run for the Republican nomination for president in early March, announced she will vote for Donald Trump but reiterated that he should not assume that her supporters will back him.

“I will be voting for Trump. Having said that, I stand by what I said in my suspension speech,” Haley said Wednesday. “Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me and not assume that they’re just going to be with him. And I genuinely hope he does.”

From the comments that follow:

If the bootlickers had any sense they would realize that they could stop having to lick boots if they simply joined forces. But they don’t.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Odd history I did not know

There's a lot of history about, so can I forgiven for not knowing this until it turned up in a Twitter thread recently?:

Stetson Kennedy, a folklorist and social crusader who infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s and wrote a lurid exposé of its activities, “I Rode With the Ku Klux Klan,” died on Saturday in St. Augustine, Fla. He was 94.

The cause was complications of bleeding of the brain, said his wife, Sandra Parks.

Mr. Kennedy developed his sense of racial injustice early. A native of Jacksonville, Fla., he saw the hardships of black Floridians when he knocked on doors collecting payments for his father’s furniture store. His social concerns developed further when he began collecting folklore data for the Federal Writers’ Project in Key West, Tampa and camps for turpentine workers in north Florida, where conditions were close to slavery.

After being rejected by the Army because of a bad back, he threw himself into unmasking the Ku Klux Klan as well as the Columbians, a Georgia neo-Nazi group. He was inspired in part by a tale told by an interview subject whose friend had been the victim of a racial murder in Key West.

As an agent for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Mr. Kennedy, by his own account, infiltrated the Klavern in Stone Mountain and worked as a Klavalier, or Klan strong-arm man. He leaked his findings to, among others, the Washington Post columnist Drew Pearson, the Anti-Defamation League and the producers of the radio show “Superman,” who used information about the Klan’s rituals and code words in a multi-episode story titled “Clan of the Fiery Cross.”

That's from his New York Times obituary, and it goes on to note some controversy over his claims, and this is explained in lengthy detail at Wikipedia. 

The main reason I am inclined to post about it is because I didn't know the KKK was mocked in the Superman radio show.  According to this site's account, the show really was influential in the decline of the outfit:

The Superman writers created a thinly disguised version of the Ku Klux Klan for "The Clan of the Fiery Cross". A newly revived Klan had emerged in the aftermath of WWII and was making plans to expand recruitment into the Industrial Belt and the West. Folklorist Stetson Kennedy had infiltrated the Florida branch of the revised Klan to learn their secrets and became understandably frightened by what he had learned. Even more frightening, when Kennedy presented his discoveries to local authorities, the police were either frightened to move against the Klan or were already under Klan control. However, Kennedy was able to share his information with the Superman writers.

"The Clan of the Fiery Cross" story arc was developed and broadcast in June of 1946. The story begins with Jimmy Olsen managing the Unity House baseball club and excited over their prospects with new pitcher Tommy Lee whose family recently moved to the neighborhood. Naturally, this upsets the team's former pitcher, Chuck Riggs, who crowds the plate during batting practice and accidentally gets beaned. Riggs' uncle Matt, the Grand Scorpion of the Clan of the Fiery Cross, decides that Tommy Lee and his family are not "real Americans" (it is not revealed until the third episode that Lee's family are Chinese and his father was appointed to the city medical department over one of Riggs' friends).

Through most of the sixteen episodes of the "Fiery Cross" story arc, the Clan and its Grand Scorpion manage to stay one step ahead of the Man of Steel until they try to execute Jimmy Olsen and Daily Planet editor Perry White. Superman steps in with seconds to spare, but the Grand Scorpion escapes to confer with the Clan's national leader, the Grand Imperial Mogul. The Mogul berates the Grand Scorpion for actually believing the Clan's racist propaganda, stating that it was simply a device to get new members and that the Clan's hierarchy was taking a cut on the sale of robes. The real KKK found nothing amusing about the story arc and tried to start a boycott against the sponsor, Kellogg's PEP Cereal. By this point, the Klan had been made to look foolish, the boycott went nowhere, and Mutual reported an increase in Superman's ratings.

Interestingly, the Fiery Cross story arc kept the actual Ku Klux Klan thinly disguised, but the real damage to the Klan came in the fourteenth episode when Matt Riggs visits the national leader, The Grand Imperial Mogul of the Fiery Cross. The Mogul cannot believe that Riggs believes the hatred hokum the group uses to attract "the suckers". Had the Klan simply ignored Superman's accusations, the revelations of their ceremonies and codes probably would have dismissed or forgotten. Instead, the Klan began calling for a boycott against the program's sponsor, Kellogg's PEP Cereal. To Kellogg's credit, the folks in Battle Creek stood by the Man of Steel. The Klan's reputation and power depended upon their mystique. With their ceremonies and secrets revealed and made to look ridiculous, the Klan's mystique and power evaporated. Recruitment dried up in the months after "The Clan of the Fiery Cross". The Klan resurfaced briefly in the late 50's and early 60's, but they were recognized as being little more than a white supremacist terrorist group with little or no political power. The most important lesson of The Clan of the Fiery Cross is that the power of hate groups evaporates when the light is shone on them and their tactics. 

Yay for Superman, I guess...

Who put a curse on the Olympics?

The Tokyo Olympics should have been a fun time in what is now a wildly popular international tourist destination.  But instead, Covid meant it was an empty audience affair that was pretty much devoid of memorable highlights.

Now, Paris is getting close to its hosting role, and could the international climate possibly get any worse for the expectation of violent, possibly murderous, protest, especially given the city's high Muslim population?   The gendarmes heading into New Caledonia will probably end up killing a few Kanaks too, and I can imagine South Pacific Islanders wanting to protest colonialism.  I also wouldn't be entirely comfortable if I were a Russian competitor or supporter either - even though they are attending under a neutral flag. 

It all puts the case for locating the games permanently in Greece all the stronger.  Maybe Brisbane should offer to help fund a relocation of its Olympics to Athens, too.  Would save a lot of the hassle and indecision we're seeing here...

AI stuff, again

Here's an article suggesting that artificial superintelligences going rogue is what prevents civilisations ever spreading beyond their home planet:

 I believe the emergence of ASI could be such a filter. AI’s rapid advancement, potentially leading to ASI, may intersect with a critical phase in a civilization’s development – the transition from a single-planet species to a multi-planetary one.

This is where many civilizations could falter, with AI making much more rapid progress than our ability either to control it or sustainably explore and populate our Solar System.

The challenge with AI, and specifically ASI, lies in its autonomous, self-amplifying and improving nature. It possesses the potential to enhance its own capabilities at a speed that outpaces our own evolutionary timelines without AI.

The potential for something to go badly wrong is enormous, leading to the downfall of both biological and AI civilizations before they ever get the chance to become multi-planetary. For example, if nations increasingly rely on and cede power to autonomous AI systems that compete against each other, military capabilities could be used to kill and destroy on an unprecedented scale. This could potentially lead to the destruction of our entire civilization, including the AI systems themselves.

In this scenario, I estimate the typical longevity of a technological civilization might be less than 100 years. That’s roughly the time between being able to receive and broadcast signals between the stars (1960) and the estimated emergence of ASI (2040) on Earth. This is alarmingly short when set against the cosmic timescale of billions of years.
Interesting bit of speculation.  

And here, at the New York Times, an article explaining that it seems we are getting a better understanding of how Large Language Models "think", which is a good thing if you want to be able to control them:

The team summarized its findings in a blog post called “Mapping the Mind of a Large Language Model.”

The researchers looked inside one of Anthropic’s A.I. models — Claude 3 Sonnet, a version of the company’s Claude 3 language model — and used a technique known as “dictionary learning” to uncover patterns in how combinations of neurons, the mathematical units inside the A.I. model, were activated when Claude was prompted to talk about certain topics. They identified roughly 10 million of these patterns, which they call “features.”

They found that one feature, for example, was active whenever Claude was asked to talk about San Francisco. Other features were active whenever topics like immunology or specific scientific terms, such as the chemical element lithium, were mentioned. And some features were linked to more abstract concepts, like deception or gender bias.

They also found that manually turning certain features on or off could change how the A.I. system behaved, or could get the system to even break its own rules.

For example, they discovered that if they forced a feature linked to the concept of sycophancy to activate more strongly, Claude would respond with flowery, over-the-top praise for the user, including in situations where flattery was inappropriate.

Chris Olah, who led the Anthropic interpretability research team, said in an interview that these findings could allow A.I. companies to control their models more effectively.

Neat.  I mean, if Dr Smith managed to reprogram the Jupiter 2's robot so easily, LLM's should be equally susceptible to controlling manipulation! 


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Maybe the last photo from the Vivo

The light coming in from the window yesterday morning was striking just this camillia flower in a vase on the dining table.  So, a photo was attempted, and I think it looks pretty nice:

The phone has stopped restarting long enough for me to post this. Good.

Oh!  Now that I recognise the pepper mill on the left, maybe re-cropping is in order.  Here we go...

Now it seems the vase is slightly crooked. A tiny straightening is called for...

Ok, still not happy.  I'm going to start again, and object erase out the pepper grinder, and straighten the vase.

That'll do.

Time for a new phone

Oh dear.  I had been thinking it was time for a phone upgrade, even though the almost completely unknown Vivo model I bought in 2020 was still showing great battery life and had been very reliable (as I said to my daughter only last week, prompting her warning "Don't say that - it will stop working now!").  Yes, it has today developed a troublesome major problem.    My daughter, the soothsayer.  (I did drop it on a hard floor recently - but I've done that before, so I don't know if there is any connection with its current problem.)

Sadly Vivo, a brand name which festoons many a shop in Singapore and Malaysia, has apparently abandoned the Australian market, and the only models to be found here seem to be the very cheap ones probably left over from bulk buys a couple of years ago.

In fact, I like the look of a new Vivo model (mid range - I am still unconvinced of the benefits of expensive models) just released in Asia. But short of buying it from an Ebay seller based in Malaysia, or another trip to Singapore, I am unable to get it here.

I am very unsure of what to buy in its place.  I am been tempted to go with Xiaomi - I like to keep with Chinese brands as I figure they will help me when forced to welcome My New Asia Overlords on the streets sometime in the next decade. "Look!" I will exclaim while waving my phone at them "I've been using your nation's phones for years!  And I have the CGTN app." 

But the mid range Google Pixels get very strong reviews.  They just look a little bland to me.   

I know Oppo is made by the same company that does Vivo, but when I see their screens in the stores, they just don't seem as good as on my lovely, apparently dying, Vivo.

I was pretty happy with my Motorola cheapo - in fact, I can't remember why I stopped using it.  I think it was just the battery?   Motorola has kept strong in the market and has a good range of phones now, but I'm just not sure how they are in the camera game, which really has become the important thing for me.

I've even considered going back to a Samsung mid ranger - quite a lot of people seem to like the A55 which is pretty new, but gee, you don't even get a charger in a Samsung box now.

I see that the Xiaomi Redmi phones have eSim - something I think will save a lot of fuss when travelling overseas.  That and a camera with a whopping 200MP sensor probably means it's a done deal.

We'll see....


Monday, May 20, 2024

Not an age thing: it's a Hollywood thing?

I finally caught up with the 2020 science fiction movie on Amazon "The Vast of Night" on the weekend.   As it got good reviews, and I'm generally a sucker for a decent UFO movie (not that there are that many around), I had reasonably high hopes.

Unfortunately, they weren't exactly met.   Sure, the film looks good and is technically accomplished (with its long tracking shots, primarily) and is very atmospheric in its 1950's remote small town America at night setting; but there are a couple of choices by the writer/director that are very odd and just jarring:

a.  the whole framing devise as if we are watching a remade Twilight Zone style show.  Why??  This made no sense to me.  I had the feeling it was going to be explained by the end in some meta context, but no.

b.  the pace of dialogue - I'm not sure who can most be blamed amongst modern directors for thinking it makes a film realistic if you have the characters always talking at (and often over) each other at a furious rate, but this film certainly has it to excess.   It just did not feel authentic to the way people you would expect small town Americans in that era to interact.  

On a more depressing note, this film did make me realise - gee, it seems a good few years now since I felt really blown away by a film - or even just "pleasantly surprised that this is so much better than I was expecting."   I mean, I've seen films which were OK, or enjoyable enough, or interesting in their way, but I would have to search to find the last one I just really thought blew me away and that I had no issues with.    

And this also made me think - weren't my parents, in their 50's and early 60's, similarly dismissive of films coming out at that time?   Am I just suffering the age related "films/music/culture generally? was/ were so much better back when I was younger" effect.

Somehow, I don't think it's a case of age related disappointment - there seems to be enough general unhappiness with the state of Hollywood to soothe my concerns.

But gee, it's hard to feel certain...

Friday, May 17, 2024

Sounds pretty appalling

Who would want to live there?:

Governor Greg Abbott of Texas issued a full pardon on Thursday to a former US army sergeant convicted of murder for fatally shooting an armed demonstrator in 2020 during nationwide protests against police violence and racial injustice.

Abbott announced the pardon just minutes after the Texas board of pardons and paroles disclosed it had made a unanimous recommendation that Daniel Perry be pardoned and have his firearms rights restored. Perry has been held in state prison on a 25-year sentence since his conviction in 2023....

Court records released in April showed that in the weeks leading up to the murder, Perry sent racist messages about protesters, shared white supremacist memes and talked about how he “might have to kill a few people” who were demonstrating outside his house. In a 76-page filing containing Perry’s private and public communications, he compared the Black Lives Matter movement to “a zoo full of monkeys that are freaking out flinging their shit”.

Abbott’s demand for a review of Perry’s case followed pressure from the far-right former Fox News star Tucker Carlson, who on national television had urged the Republican governor to intervene after the former sergeant was convicted at trial in April 2022. While Carlson was still a top-rated host at the network, he dedicated a segment to directly challenging Abbott to appear on the show and discuss pardoning Perry – calling the case a “legal atrocity” that he blamed on progressive prosecutors. Abbott announced he was directing a review of Perry’s conviction the next day.

It would seem that the jury thought the guy was not acting in self defence, but the board of pardons just decided "we don't care what the jury thought":

Prosecutors argued at trial that Perry could have driven away without opening fire and witnesses testified that they never saw Foster raise his gun. The sergeant’s defense attorneys argued Foster, who was white, did raise the rifle and that Perry had no choice but to shoot. Perry, who is also white, did not take the witness stand and jurors deliberated for two days before finding him guilty.
More appalling Republican stuff:



Thursday, May 16, 2024

Max leaves me cold (and puzzled)

I can't for the life of me understand the critical approval George Miller gets for movies set in a dystopian world with (as far as I know) no particular explanation as to how it got that way, characters for whom there is nothing to emotional invest in, and no real thematic coherence:  just an excuse for car chases combined with circus acts and a general heavy metal vibe.   I mean, if the only approval it got was from recreational drug taking revheads and heavy metal freaks, I could understand it - they might think it a kind of world they would enjoy living in.  But no, lots and lots of otherwise credible, mature age critics thought Fury Road was the bee's knees, including Peter Bradshaw from the Guardian, whose byline photo makes him look like the last person on Earth who would be caught owning a V8.

I mean, I don't "get" Tolkien either - but I can kind of see why some might take enjoyment from him.  I just put it down to "a difference in genre tastes".   But with Mad Max, I am at a complete loss as to understand why it doesn't have the smallest audience, and (perhaps more importantly) why more proper critics don't agree with me!

Anyway, that's by way of background to noting that (thank God) the new Mad Max film which is soon in cinemas is getting "not quite as good as Fury Road" reviews, but still reviews that are (no doubt) far too good.  (Again, see Peter Bradshaw).   

I hope it is a box office disappointment, but it will probably be me who is upset. 

Update:  I just went back and re-read my 2016 opinion of Fury Road.  It was even more savage than I remembered.:)




Just when you think you couldn't think any less of Scotty from Marketing

 Also - it seems like Trump's makeup was applied with a boot brush.

Update:  This is funny, but the reason why will be forgotten for the casual reader in 30 years time:

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

A depressing story

The underfunding of psychiatric care in virtually all Western countries seems just standard practice nowadays, but it's depressing to read about its effects in your own locality:

Three people have taken their own lives inside a locked mental health unit at The Prince Charles Hospital in the past 16 months, triggering an independent review.

Two other patients were able to severely self-harm inside the 60-bed unit during the same period, the last one being in April.

Families of the patients and unit staff have this week been advised of the review, which will begin later this month and is expected to be finished by late July.

Mental health support organisation SANE said families "have an expectation" that their loved ones were "going to be safe" when they were in hospital.

"Families and carers often express significant relief having gotten someone to hospital, that's often a very difficult thing to do to actually get someone admitted," chief executive Rachel Green said.
Further down, look at these figures:

Data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare showed 18 people died by suicide in an acute psychiatric unit in 2020-21, up from 15 the year before. 

Adjunct Professor Hancock said the five incidents inside The Prince Charles Hospital mental health unit involved both men and women across different age ranges and under the care of different psychiatrists.

Incidents had occurred inside both wards of the mental health unit....

Professor Emmerson, a member of the Queensland Mental Health Commission advisory council, said the state was about 3000 mental health staff and 370 beds short of what was needed in the public sector.

"Our mental health units are full all the time," Professor Emmerson said.

"Psychiatrists are faced every day with having to make decisions of discharging people early who should be in hospital, but because you've got sicker people, and riskier people, sitting in the emergency department, we're forced to discharge people from hospital prematurely.

"We don't yet have the capacity in the community mental health teams to provide the follow up these people need."